Import tax for work related items.

by Tyler
(Wa USA)

Hello, I have a work contract for Bolivia and am applying for the 30 day special objective. I work as a non-profit project manager for a research and development company. I work for practically nothing if it means I can help my community.

Many of my best skills that I was hired for involve

1) Giving powerpoint presentations
2)Graphic design and documentary video/audio editing.

To effectively work in these field I need to bring some items that have a high value brand new, but were bought cheap through savvy purchase. I will be entering by air with all my items. The import taxes will be higher than the value I paid for the items if they are charged as if new. I would not mind a hundred or two hundred dollar import fee, but cannot pay $2000. Almost all the goods are discontinued by the manufacturers as they are so old. I can get receipts or equivalents for some, but some were purchased through person to person sale.

I have a list of the high value items and their function. How do I clear them? Do I get an official stamp from the ministerio de trabajo on this self made form?

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