I'm looking for gyms in La Paz

My husband (Bolivian), son and I will soon be relocating from Boulder, CO to La Paz, Bolivia! I am an avid runner and also work out with weights, TRX, and do classes. Are there gyms with good trainers, facilities and classes in la zona sur (la florida, etc.) that anyone could recommend? Are there runners in La Paz? Gracias!

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Aug 21, 2012
Hey there
by: Anonymous

Have you relocated yet? I am soon moving there from Virginia

May 02, 2012
Another gym in La Paz
by: Anonymous

There is a gym at the Automóvil Club in La Paz. Its owner is Teresa Saravia: marite_saravia@hotmail.com

May 02, 2012
Gym in the Megacenter in La Paz
by: BoliviaBella.com

There's a pretty modern-looking gym in the MEGACENTER in Irpavi in the Zona Sur. This is the Megacenter:


And this is the gym there:


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