I would like to visit my country after 37 years overseas

by Jorge Torrico
(Melbourne, Australia)

I am planning to visit bolivia and see if I could stay sometime in bolivia mainly in Cochabamba my hometown. I am an Australian Citizen and my wife is from England, we are both professionals and entering the retiring age. I am an Organisational Behaviour consultant, I have also worked in the mental health. My wife is a teacher who teaches at the primary and tertiary level, She is also and arts practitioner. I will appreciate if some one could provide me information regarding the following:

Should I enter bolivia with my AUstralian or bolivian passport (some coutries allow dual citizenship)

What are the restrictions for people like my self for example if there are opportunities for businesses and opportunities to use our skills not paid, but as volunteers.

Can we rent a decent appartment fully furnished in a nice area where we could do our cooking etc. I am a person who loves contry living and ride mountain bikes.

No tengo absolutamente ningun problema si alguien quiere darme information en castellano.

Jorge Torrico

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Oct 11, 2012
desde canada
by: Anonymous

wow pues te aconsejo que lo hagas y cuando estes alla saca tu carnet de identidad asi cuando decidas volver utilizas a la entrada los tu pasaporte y tu carnet yo vivo en canada pero si vuelvo a bolivia a mas tardar el proximo ano,yo cuando volvi despues de 7 anos el nudo que senti en mi corazon fue inmenso al volar sobre los ande te aconsejo buena suerte

Jun 22, 2011
Vivir en Cochabamba
by: Anonymous

Juan y Antonio Gracias por responderme. Voy a responderles pronto. Tenia un amigo en la escuela de apellido Marzana, ni me acuerdo el nombre de la escuela.

Mar 15, 2011
living in cocha
by: juan

i am in the same position love to go back and live in cocha but it has changed so much than when i was a boy i have a house and property out there so i think it would be easy to adapt we should exchange ideas
my email is jemarzana@yahoo.co.uk

send an email

if not good luck

Mar 10, 2011
by: Antonio

Hola Australianos,
Mi caso es similar+-, lo diferente es que nosotros estamos en Canada. Seria excelente si me escribes a mi email solsoleil2000@yahoo.com Si quires un consejo por el momento seria de ir a visitar Cocha de turista. Por supuesto es diferente que vivir alli pero...

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