How much money do I need to become a resident in Bolivia?

by Peter Lockwood

I live in Australia, will be on pension soon. wish to retire in Bolivia. how much money will I need to be allowed into the country? Do I have to have a ton of money in the bank before I am allowed to stay? great forum!!!


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Mar 19, 2015
You need enough to support yourself
by: Anonymous

Bolivian authorities are mainly looking for proof that you have enough money to sustain yourself while you live in Bolivia. There isn't a set amount of money that you have to prove you have, but you will have to show proof of a monthly income that is sufficient for the lifestyle you choose, in the city in which you choose to live.

Having said that, the cost of living varies greatly from one city to the next, throughout Bolivia, with Tarija and Beni being relatively inexpensive, Sucre and Cochabamba somewhere in the middle, and La Paz and Santa Cruz, being them most expensive. Even so, there are inexpensive places to live there as well, and within each city the cost of living can also vary greatly.

Generally speaking, you should be able to live comfortably for anything over $2000 dollars a month in any city of Bolivia, depending on how luxurious a lifestyle you plan to live.

You should also keep in mind if you plan to retire in Bolivia, that as we age medical care and facilities eventually become an important part of our decision regarding which cities may be the best for us.

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