How do you ship small packages from the USA to Bolivia?

by UCSMiami
(Miami, FL )

Need to send a packag to La Paz. 47lbs, 24x24x24".
USPS, UPS, DHL, FEDEX much too expensive.

Anyone use a door to door service?

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Jul 12, 2020
Use international shipping service
by: Anonymous

I would suggest using an international shipping service such as DHL. If it can be avoided, I do not use the regular postal service via the Bolivian post office, as they open packages to determine tax amount. At times, the post office will apply a tax that exceeds the cost of the product, so that you are forced to leave without it.
If you MUST use the postal service, be sure your package is marked "REGALO" (gift) on the outside. This should allow you to retrieve it from the post office without paying tax. In any case, get a detailed description of the package shipping addresses, tracking number, & contents (translated into Spanish) so that you can leave a copy with the post office IN ADVANCE of package arrival. This should deter the post office staff from taking your package home & telling you that it never arrived.

Nov 03, 2015
shipping to Bolivia
by: Anonymous

Out of Miami, there's BTC Cargo Express, 8236 NW 68th St. (786) 284-7680 /

Now, if you want to send it by air, you may want to check and type the closest airport to you. 1(877)597-5591 Hope it helps!

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