Hippeastrum species

by Ton Wijnen

Hallo, Perhaps I have a very brutal question, but I'll try very careful. I am a private collector of Hippeastrum species. Now I am searching still very special ones. They are growing in your area, and my question is, can and will you help me, please? With little bulbs or seeds. Or perhaps you know other people, botanical gardens or private collectors in your area who can help me.

Thank you very much and I hope you can help.

Kind regards

Ton Wijnen
The Netherlands


Tal vez tengo una pregunta muy brutal, pero voy a tratar muy cuidadoso.
Soy un coleccionista privado de especies Hippeastrum. Ahora estoy buscando aún los muy especial.
Están creciendo en su área, y mi pregunta es, puede y va a ayudarme, por favor?
Con las bombillas poco o semillas.
O tal vez conocer a otras personas, jardines botánicos o colecciones privadas en su área que me pueda ayudar.

Muchas gracias y espero que pueda ayudar.

Un cordial saludo

Ton Wijnen
Los Países Bajos

Comments for Hippeastrum species

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Feb 25, 2012
Hippeastrum species
by: Ton Wijnen

Hallo Mrs. Tenten

Thank you for your reaction. No, I am still searching Hippeastrum species. If you can find some for me, please contact me.
Perhaps you can contact me privately:
my emailadress is:

Thank you again very much and I hope to hear soon from you again

Ton Wijnen

Feb 24, 2012
Species und Bulbs
by: Mrs Tenten

Hallo Ton Wijnen

Did you get your Amaryllidaceae. I´ll be in South Africa this may should I bring you some mentioned or have you got then allready.


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