Gatito en Adopcion - Looking for a Family to Adopt this Kitten

Gatito macho rescatado de aproximadamente 3 meses. Perdió un ojo. Está vacunado y pronto a ser castrado. Es muy cariñoso, le gusta jugar mucho con perros y otros gatos por lo que si bien podría integrarse en una casa con otros animales hay que asegurar que ellos lo acepten. Por favor solo responder personas seriamente interesados y que consideren pueden asumir la responsabilidad de tener un gato y darle un excelente hogar. Celular: 79482893; 72193046

This male kitten was rescued at approximately 3 months of age. He lost one eye. He has his shots and will soon be neutered. He is very loving, likes to play a lot with dogs and other cats and should be able to integrate into a family with other pets, although we'd have to be sure they accept him. We're looking only for very seriously interested people to respond who can take on the responsibility of having a cat and offering him an excellent home. Cellphones: 79482893; 72193046

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Jun 05, 2011
Nice Kitten
by: Rusty

The kitten looks adorable!!!!!!!!!

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