From Santa Cruz via Samaipata and or Sucre to Cochabamba?

by Jose

Hello, what are the option for a single traveling female (36), to travel overland from Santa Cruz to Cochabamba and make it into an interesting trip? I was thinking via Sucre and or Samaipata and take two/three, up to 4 days to do this? But I don't know anything about routes, buses, trains, transport.
All help is much appreciated.
Kind regards

Comments for From Santa Cruz via Samaipata and or Sucre to Cochabamba?

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Oct 13, 2013
Santa Cruz/Sucre
by: Carol

Once you get there you will find people very helpful and fellow travellers will share their experiences. As you have probably read, things rarely go to plan in Bolivia so its best to just go with the flow - enjoy your trip,

Oct 13, 2013
Santa Cruz/Samaipata/Sucre/CCB
by: Jose

Hi Cariol, thanks again for helping out. You are right about TAM. That's the site I found as well. You have to check one by one what the options are. I was hoping for a schedule that gives options per route, per day. For example, that on route Sta Cruz - Sucre they only fly on whatever days.

I did check my lonely planet of course but I like the advice from local people:)

I did contact Kanoo to ask them if they book local flights as well. On the website they only offer the main routes such as La Paz - Sta Cruz etc.

I am sure I will find a way to travel around. I just want too much ;)

Are you from the area?


Oct 12, 2013
Santa Cruz to Sucre
by: Carol

Hi Jose,
I imagine this (below) is what you have found - it does give flights and the days of the week they fly (there is a flight every week day on this route) and the times - as well as the price. I have found that apart from National Holidays, Easter and Christmas it is often possible to book a flight for the same day.

I don't think it is possible to buy tickets from outside the country. A Travel Agent such as Kanoo Tours may be able to buy the tickets for you.

Oct 12, 2013
Santa Cruz/Samaipata/Sucre/CCB
by: Jose

Thanks for the reaction.
It is always good to get advice from locals.
I am now thinking samaipata by bus/taxi and back to Santa Cruz. From there fly to Sucre and fly from Sucre to Cochabamba. Saves a lot of time.
I just have to find out when TAM flies between the city. TAM seems to be the cheapest regular option. Unfortunately they don't do a flightschedule and routemap on their website though. You have to check day by day to see what is possible.
Any chance anyone knows a schedule online?

Oct 11, 2013
Your 3/4 day trip
by: Carol

Sounds like you need to buy yourself a guide! No problem being a single female traveller apart from taking the usual precautions. There are no trains in this area. Planes are cheap and frequent so think about flying at least one sector. You would spend most of your 4 days on buses if you want to do the route you suggest. This would be a shame as all 4 places are worth spending time in.Its an easy journey from Santa Cruz to Samaipata - take a trufi from one of the roads near the old bus station - Av Omar Chavis Ortiz I think. There are more in the morning and they go when full. Its about 3 hours. There are buses from Samaipata to Sucre but it may be easier to go back to Santa Cruz where there are plenty of buses. They go from the Bimodal station and take 15+ hours (often more)and go in the morning or in the evening. There are bus camas so it is possible to sleep on the bus. Buses from Santa Cruz to Cochabama go from the same terminal and take around 10 hours. Buses between Sucre and Cochabamba take around 12 hours. In Bolivis strikes and blockades are quite common and journies then take much longer. During the rainy saeson journey times can be longer. I think you may be optomistic to think you can visit all 4 places in 4 days. Good luck.

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