fried llama

Dear Readers: I'm sure this recipe submission was meant as a joke. However, I should let you know that all recipe submissions are MANUALLY APPROVED by me, Bella your webmaster. I'm letting this one go through cuz I think it's hilarious that our readers want to poke fun sometimes.

You know we do actually eat llama here in Bolivia but I personally would not attempt this particular recipe at home. :-) Bella.

1 llama
3 cups of water
1 cup of oil
6 cups of beans
12 lumps of sugar
1/2 cup of prune juice
2 tbs. cod liver oil
9 cups of flour

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Apr 06, 2015
This is beautiful
by: Anonymous

I am writing an essay for school about llamas. One part talks about the preparation and consumption of llama meat and this recipe was very helpful. The llama I tried ended up very beautiful; I got some gristly pieces but mostly it was quite satisfactory. Thanks from Fray Bentos, Uruguay!

Mar 03, 2011
Charque de Llama
by: Cochalita aka I am from Cochabamba, Boliva

Llama is eaten in Bolivia, just like we also eat guinea pigs. Llama is prepared in a dish called Charque de Llama, I remember seeing my grandmother drying the meet up high with ALOT of salt. After it has passed its dry inspection, she would stir fry until it gets very very crispy, this then would be served with Quesillo (homemade cheese), Hard Boiled Egg, Boiled Potato (which was always a pain to peel) and Choclo-Corn (not on the cob).

Jun 10, 2010
Llama Charque
by: Anonymous

I actually did eat Llama, when i was in Cochabamba. They make the Charque with Llama, and it was amazing!

May 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

I tried this recipe and the llama didnt want to die, but i ate it, he was good, his name was geoffrey :D

Apr 09, 2010
It may work !
by: Anonymous

Should I kill llama and fry it ( poor thing !)
Or should I fry it alive? This is not clear in the recipe ...
Please let me know as soon as possible, me and llama are waiting for your reply.

Apr 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

i tried this recipie and i thought it was fantastic

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