Flights to La Paz and on to Buenos Aries

by Anup Shah

Bola boliviabella - I am coming to Bolivia in early February and then on to Buenos Aires in April and would like some recommendations about the cheapest and most reliable way to come from London, to La Paz and then onto Buenos Aires, returning to London in May. Your help is much appreciated.

Ai Shah

Comments for Flights to La Paz and on to Buenos Aries

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Nov 15, 2012
About your carbon footprint offset program

David Vincent: not to switch the subject of this particular thread in our forum, but would you be willing to enter a new message on our Bolivia Travel Forum page briefly telling us how travelers can do that? I think there are travelers to Bolivia who might find it interesting.

Nov 13, 2012
Flights to La Paz & Buenos Aires
by: David Vincent

I took a group of our members to Bolivia this summer and found that it was difficult to organise a "triangular" itinerary. My advice would be to book a direct return flight to Buenos Aires and then another direct return from there to La Paz and back.

I think that will be a lot cheaper and would probably be no longer than a conventional flight, which would in any case have to go via Lima or Asuncion or somewhere.

Air Europe will be about the cheapest to Buenos Aires - but Iberia, BA or Lufthansa will be competitive at around the £750 mark. For the BA / La Paz leg I would guess LAN at around £350.

By the way, you will be clocking up at least 10 tonnnes of carbon in the process. If you or your company want to offset your carbon footprint with our accredited reforestation programme in Bolivia do let me know!

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