Five Famous People from Bolivia: Bolivia for Kids

by Kricket

Roberto Mamani Manani

Roberto Mamani Manani

One of the most asked questions from kids, teens, and teachers is "who are some famous people from Bolivia?" Here are five famous people from Bolivia.

For this one I have picked an artist named Roberto Mamani Mamani. He's one of the most known artists in Bolivia and his paintings are most known for their vibrant colors.

In this number I have Martin Bouloq. Martin originally studied to be a photographer in high school but instead started making a dozen short films and several videos. Then in 2002 he made his first movie.

Arturo Lora in the third number starred in films in the 1990's and was in 4 movies. The last movie he starred in was directed by his son with the same name.

Pablo Manzoni is the country's best fashion and fashion show photographer. For over two decades he has worked with models and beauty queens.

Finally we have Noel Kempff Mercado. His love of nature caused him to create the Santa Cruz zoo and the Santa Cruz Botanical Gardens. He wrote zoology and botanical books and served as a professor to a university.

Our website has a huge section all about Famous People from Bolivia. We've divided them into categories like famous artists, famous military people, famous writers, famous politicians, famous scientists, and more.

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Submitted 2015-01-29

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Feb 02, 2015
How to add information about famous people from Bolivia to our website
by: Kricket

Thanks Paul. You'll actually find information about Jaime Escalante on our Famous Bolivian Teachers page. Guess what! He was actually my grandpa's math teacher in school a long time ago in La Paz, before he moved to the United States.

Jan 31, 2015
I have to add one!
by: Paul

What about JAIME ESCALANTE?! Stand & Deliver!! Also

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