Finding a place to teach in Bolivia?

Hi, I am coming to Bolivia (Santa Cruz), in February 2012 for at least a year. I have already been there before as a volunteer, but want to find a paid position this time, hopefully either teaching English or in the tourism industry. I have a TEFL qualification but it is an online one rather than a classroom based certificate, although I also have experience teaching independently and also in the University NUR of Santa Cruz, but so far haven't had much luck finding possible placements. I'm flexible on hours and pay, I really just need enough money to supplement my savings. I just love teaching and want to be able to find a placement. Any advice?

Thanks! I'd hate to not be able to come to Santa Cruz through not being able to find a job!!


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Nov 17, 2011
English Coordinator for St. Thomas School
by: Margie Mindel

I have at least one 6th-12th grade English position open for February 2012, although teachers need to be at schoo from mid-January on to be ready for the first week of classes.
I may also have an opening for upper-elementary. You may contact me at

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