Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen

by Dorie
(New Orleans)

Hello, can anyone recommend a small town around Sucre to go for the Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen? We would like to see the masked dancers and a small very traditional celebration. Thank you.

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Jun 04, 2012
thank you to both,, but in response to sucre
by: Anonymous

Thank you! Do they do masking? because those really fascinate us.

Jun 04, 2012
Fiesta del Carmen

Also you can go to Tarabuco, 65km from Sucre. I recommend Fiesta del Carmen, in Tarabuco, it is a beautiful and traditional festivity.
There Tarabuqueños dance with their traditional customes

You can find out a little more in tourist offices in Sucre. Good luck

Jun 04, 2012
Festival of the Virgen del Carmen in Sucre, Chuquisaca, Bolivia

Hi. The Festival of the Virgen del Carmen takes place on July 16th in certain parts of Bolivia. You could try going to Muyupampa where they have several activities including the option to try typical foods and traditional games. They also have cock fights, bull riding, horse races. Don't know about any masks. Watch this short short video.

In the city of Sucre itself they usually have a mass at the cathedral and an Alasitas festival (where you can buy everything in miniature to put on your Ekkekko - the god of abundance).

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