exiting Bolivia for with only 30 day objeto determinado

Hello, I am in a strange predicament that I am sure others have been in before.

I arrived on the 18th of November with an objeto determinado visa that has a validity for 30 days (expiring the 19th of december). my NGO here is going to ask me to send my passport back to La Paz (not where I am) to continue the processing of the visa and its extension. My problem is that they have not yet asked me for it, and the day of my travel home is getting closer, I am going to fly home for Christmas on the 22nd of December. I am a little fearful of sending my passport away just before.

What will happen if I do not send it away, and go home for christmas but need to return for another 4-5 months in the new year?

Will they let me back in? or can I extend the 30 day objeto determinado?

thanks for all your help

Ari Fries

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Dec 05, 2013
You'll have to begin the process again
by: Anonymous

Generally speaking, when you interrupt an already ongoing residency application by requesting your passport back, when you return to Bolivia you will have to begin the application process all over again. You will forfeit the money you previously spent and have to make all the payments again. In addition, you will have to purchase another new visa de objeto determinado to return to Bolivia.

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