Escabeche de Verduras - Bolivian Pickled Vegetables

Escabeches come in many colors, shapes and forms.

Escabeches come in many colors, shapes and forms.

You’ll need:
1 pound carrots
½ teaspoon salt
1 pound small onions
½ pound red locotos (hot peppers)
½ pound green locotos
1 pound string beans
1 medium size cauliflower head
10 seeds black pepper
Wine vinegar

Peel the carrots and cut them into halves, then cook them in water with ½ teaspoon of salt till they’re soft. Drain and let cool. Do the same with onions, cauliflower heads and locotos, but do not cut them in pieces. They must be cooked separately.

Wash the string beans very well, remove the ends and ribbings. Cook them in boiling water for half an hour, or until they are soft. Add the salt once they are cooked. Drain, and let cool.

In a frying pan, toast the black pepper seeds a just a little. Mix all cooked vegetables and put them in a large pickle jar or another recipient. Add the toasted pepper seeds and pour in the vinegar until covering the vegetables. Close the jar and let stand for two or three days before consuming. If desired, locotos can be omitted form this recipe.

No dressing is needed for this salad.

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Aug 13, 2010
wine vinegar
by: Anonymous

Wine vinegar is one single ingredient. It's vinegar made from wine grapes - as opposed to other types of vinegar, like vinegar made from apples.

Soaking time:

You should let it sit for a few days, so the veggies can soak in the flavor of the vinegar - the recipe suggests 2-3 days prior to eating.

Aug 13, 2010
saludos, gracias y preguntas
by: padey1/hotmail

Do(ESCABECHE) and vegetables need to be soak for cert en amount of time? and how much wine half and half?
Cual es la midida de vino y vinagre?
y cuanto tiempo se necesita para remojar ?

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