Dual Citizen - Italian & American - Can I enter Bolivia as an Italian?

by D
(New York)

Hi, I am flying from New York to La Paz for 2 weeks vacation and I saw that US citizens need to pay $135 tourist fee and need to visit the consulate ahead of time. I have 2 passports Italian and American but I live in NY so my return flight is to the USA. Since Italians don't need a visa and don't need to pay the tourist fee, can I enter Bolivia with my Italian passport so I don't need to pay? Will I have problems at the airport in La Paz because my return flight is to the USA and I have to show my US passport as well?

Thank you

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Mar 21, 2013
Yellow fever
by: Anonymous

Don´t need Yellow fever shot anymore. Bolivian migration doesn´t require it anymore.

Mar 21, 2013
by: Anonymous

Should i still get the yellow fever shots and bring proof of income as it says on the bolivian consulate site?

Mar 21, 2013
Should not be a problem

I traveled frequently to and from Bolivia with my husband who is not an American citizen. He used his country's passport and they never questioned the fact that he was flying from and back to the States. My guess is that you will be fine. Just carry both passports so returning to the U.S. isn't a hassle.

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