Do you know Tonito Tours?

by Carmen Guerreiro
(Sao Paulo, Brasil)

Hi Bella, I wonder if you know Tonito Tours ( and if it's safe to make the Uyuni tour with them. The information they wrote me by email and their website seem pretty good, and they have their own hotel, but I read a lot of stories about tragedies and problems in this tour with poor operators and guides and I don't wanna risk myself.

I also wrote Ruta Verde and they are clearly above all other operators. But the price given was US$500 PER PERSON, while Tonito was US$600 per car (4 people maximum that can share).

I know we shouldn't pick an operator by their price because that can lead to a tragedy or a bad experience to say the least, but Tonito seemed like a good company and I wonder if you or anyone here knows anything about that.

I would like to pay for Ruta Verde but, for me and my husband, US$1000 for 3 days, that would blow our travel budget out of proportion.

Thank you!

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Aug 03, 2012
more on uyuni tours
by: Anonymous

You may find more information on Lonely Planet's Thorntree site on this subject.

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