Do I need my Carnet de Extranjeros for travelling outside of Bolivia?

by Oretta
(Santa Cruz)

Hi, I have a 1 year residence visum for Bolivia. I also got the carnet de extranjeros, but it was stolen. Do I need to do all the documents again to get a new one? I have a copy of the old one... and do I need the carnet, for travelling to Peru or Brasil? Thanks!

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Sep 20, 2012
you have to prove residency
by: Anonymous

It's up to you I suppose, but here is the problem: when you are a tourist and you leave the country, you pay the tax and that is all and you go.

But when you are a resident of Bolivia and you leave the country, you have to show that you will be coming back. So when you return to Bolivia you have to show that you are entering as a resident, not as a tourist.

It should be enough to show your passport, because actually your residency stamp is in your passport. It shouldn't be necessary to show them your carnet, but it is always possible they might ask for it.

Sep 19, 2012
by: oretta

i just asked, as another friend told me he had to show his carnet when leaving and entering boliva....i dont want to get trouble at the border only because i dont have this carnet anymore! but on the other hand....i am here in bolivia for only 1 month more...makes not much sense to get a new carnet

Sep 19, 2012
by: Anonymous

Yes you need to get another carnet de extranjero.
First you have to report it as stolen.

Carnet is not necessary for travel, only your passport.

Sep 19, 2012
it's not worth anything outside of bolivia
by: Anonymous

The Bolivian carnet has no validity in any country other than Bolivia. It's a local or national identification card only. To travel outside of Bolivia you must use a passport.

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