Cost of university in Bolivia

by LP

Hi - Can anyone tell me what the average cost to attend university would be for a year in Bolivia - a price range including costs to live away from home, etc.? Specifically, to study music, but even general information would be helpful. (If quote is in dollars please specify if Canadian or US dollars.)

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Feb 15, 2010
una pequena clarificacion
by: George

Los valores de mas arriba son en bolivianos o en dolares americanos?

Hola George
Los valores que dí son en dólares

Dec 03, 2009
cost of university in Bolivia
by: BoliviaBella

It really depends on which university you attend, but in comparison to the US, Bolivian universities (both state and private) are very inexpensive, ranging from just a few hundred dollars a year to a few hundred dollars a month. Nowhere near the tens of thousands it costs to attend in the US.

Bolivian universities don't have on-campus living quarters (dorms) so that's where your real costs will come in. Here in Santa Cruz, university students can often rent small rooms (just a room, not an apartment) for about $100 a month - but apartments at this time are costing upwards of $300 a month (up to $1000 a month depending on what area of town you choose and the size of apartment).

Food, water, electricity, Cable TV, and gas for cooking are all very inexpensive. I pay about $2 a month for cooking gas, about $10 a month for water, about $25 a month for over 100 Cable stations, about $60 a month for electricity, and about $200 a month for food (3 people).

Renting a phone (landline) costs about $20 a month and having a cellphone is even cheaper. Internet is way more expensive here than in the US because Bolivia doesn't have its own satellites (yet). So it borrows fiber optic lines from neighboring countries. Internet at the slowest speed costs about $30 a month - at the speed I use (since I build websites) it's upwards of $140 a month. Yikes!

Does this help?

Dec 02, 2009
Cost of university in Bolivia
by: LP

P.S. To clarify - I am referring to the cost for a Bolivian to attend univeristy, not a foreign student. Tx

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