Corchos y Tapas: One of Our Top Choice Restaurants in Sucre, Bolivia

(Sucre, Bolivia)

Hugo, owner of Corchos y Tapas Restaurant

Hugo, owner of Corchos y Tapas Restaurant

Hugo, owner of Corchos y Tapas restaurant in Sucre, is originally from Tarija which explains his love for good food and wine. He is also surprisingly young and studied at a culinary school where he learned to blend his love for both international and Bolivian specialties into what is known as "fusion food".

Corchos y Tapas is an unpretentious second-floor restaurant located about five blocks from the central plaza in Sucre. You might expect more Spanish specialties, given the name ("tapas" is a word used in Spain and means "appetizers") but although the menu does feature some, Hugo tells us he favors Italian cooking.

You'll find a delicious variety of appetizers, salads, pastas and Bolivian foods, but this is your chance to be bold! Fusion food blends the flavors of two or more cultures into one. Try, for example, the "risotto de quinoa", a typically Italian dish with a decidedly Bolivian twist.

Our choices also included shrimp with garlic and olive oil accompanied by toast (delicious, we kind of wish we had ordered more) and pasta with puttanesca sauce, also very good. Hugo decorates each plate with thin-sliced vegetables, and radishes and tomatoes shaped like flowers. Most surprising? Drizzled chocolate completed the look and somehow blended perfectly with the unique flavors of each platter!

Wonderful wines and a delicious cherry shortcake dessert topped off one of the most savory dining experiences we had during our trip. Dinner for 4 was under $50 including two bottles of wine. Definitely one of our top choice places to eat in Sucre.

Corchos y Tapas
Calle Bustillos Esquina Colón
Sucre, Bolivia
Tel: (591) 750-50107

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Feb 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

This Restaurant is closed for 2 years now

Jul 19, 2011
by: M Mederos

Sounds delicious!
Thanks for sharing the experience with us far away!

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