Chocolate tour to Beni

by Carol Barnshaw
(London, England)

I am a chocolate lover. One of the best chocolates available at the moment is the Beni Wild Harvest which I understand is produced from wild cacao trees in the Itenez River Basin. Each bar purchased apparently includes a premium that pays for a new tree to be planted. I would love to visit the area where wild chocolate is grown and harvested. Are guides/organisations able to help. I am happy to rough it and speak some Spanish.

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Jun 12, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thank you Anon, I will follow that up, Carol.

Jun 10, 2011
try Moxos Tours
by: Anonymous

There is a little town in the area of Trinidad where they grow cacao. It's called Chocolatalito :-)

Contact Moxos Tours to see if they can give you more details or offer somewhere else to do a tour like this:

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