Can't get visa to Bolivia because of sticker shortage

by Mary Krigbaum

I have been informed today (5/13/11) that all USA tourists traveling to Bolivia must obtain their visa at the Bolivian airport because there are not enough stickers in the US for the visas. Only business travelers are able to obtain visas in advance. Since I am flying to Santa Cruz through La Paz (not changing flights), I am very concerned about being detained in La Paz while trying to obtain a visa, therefore missing my flight's departure to Santa Cruz. Any advice would be welcome.

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May 23, 2011
where to print the visa request form
by: Anonymous

go to
click on CONSULAR
then click on VISAS A BOLIVIA

there you will find a list of documents you can print either in PDF or Word

find the one that says

Nuevo formulario de solicitud de Visas

unless you are American, then you need to print the one that says


May 23, 2011
where can I get the visa form
by: elizabeth

Someone can tell me where can I get a form for the visa . I check the internet they only have electonic form. I prefer to prinT. THANKS

May 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

wont be a problem, you dont get of the plane in la paz, just sit in the plane and wait.

you do all your customs and imigration in santa cruz.

May 14, 2011
ask for a letter
by: BoliviaBella

I agree with Anonymous, below. The authorities here are probably aware of the problem. However, you might consider asking the Bolivian consulate that told you this to provide you with a brief letter on their stationery confirming what he/she has told you so you can take it with you when you travel and present it to immigration officers at the airport when you arrive.

Also call your airline(s) or travel agent and ask them if they will be asking to see your Bolivia visa upon check-in (some do, some don't). If they say yes, ask the airline or travel agent to add a note on your flight reservation indicating the Bolivian consulates in the US are out of visa stickers so you don't have any problems when you check in to your flight.

May 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

That's amazing. So unbelievable that a government office would be so disorganized. I mean, what does it take to print stickers or all things.

The immigration officers are most likely apprised of the situation here. I wouldn't worry about it.

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