Can i leave Bolivia for more than 3 months without loosing residency?

Good afternoon. I am married to a Bolivian and right now am pregnant. But i am planning to have my baby born in Europe. I am on 1 year residency. I know i can leave country only for up to 90 days. But is there some way i can obtain my residency because i cannot fly to my country for the last moment of my pregnancy. Maximum up to 7 months of pegnancy and after the child is born i need to wait some more time for him to fly. I would really appreciate if somebody would help me and answer my question. I dont want to loose my residency. It took forever to get it here in Bolivia.
Thank you.

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May 05, 2014
Losing residency
by: Anonymous

Hi, Having one year residence Visa, if you stay out of Bolivia more than 89 days,once you come back to the country, you have to start again your applicaltion for one year residence visa.

Mar 22, 2014
A business opportunity
by: Anonymous

Hi there, I can't answer your question. But I have a business opportunity here, wonder if you are interested in it. I am also a new mother from China, wanna to start my own business by importing maca from Bolivia and sell in China. At the beginning, I just need Bolivian to mail the maca by EMS and i can pay you by Paypal. Later, if the business take off, I need you to register a import and export company in Bolivia to do the maca export job.

I can pay high commission.

I am interested in you because you are an English speaker, and you have a native husband.

If you are interested in it, please contact me on

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