Can anyone give me more info on living in Bolivia?

by Johan
(Pittsburgh PA USA)

I am four years away from retirement. I am considering Ecuador or Bolivia. Obtaining info on Ecuador is no problem, however, that is not the case with Bolivia. Thus far I am interested in three cities, viz: Tarija, Cochabamba and Sucre. Would love to have info on condos/apartments/penthouses for sale. As well as the quality of life.

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Jan 17, 2012
where to legalize property ownership
by: Anonymous

I would like to know what offices to go to to purchase property

Jul 20, 2011
Retiring in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

I recommend that you travel to each of those places before deciding to buy. I wasn't sure myself when I wanted to buy in Bolivia. I chose La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz. I did them all in 1 month before I decided where to buy my home in Cochabamba. You may not have that kind of time right now, but at least do one at a time in the four years that you're waiting for retirement. The time of year I traveled had a lot to do with my decision. The weather in Bolivia is very extreme, due to the altitudes in each of those provinces. La Paz to me was too cold and Santa Cruz was too hot(very limited A/C). Cochabamba was perfect for all year round. While you are there visiting, take the time to go to the proper channels to gather the information you will need retire there. I agree that it is difficult getting information by email or by phone. I would give you what I know, only mine situation is different then yours, only because I am married to a Bolivian citizen. It changes the whole dynamics. If you need to know what offices to go to, let me know if I can help. I hope this helped a bit. Enjoy your adventure...
Carmen Mercado (Florida,USA)

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