Bus from Cochabamba to Oruro

Can anyone tell me where to catch the bus from Cochabamba to Oruro and if it is safe for a woman travelling alone to take this bus?

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Apr 19, 2011
cochabamba bus station
by: Anonymous

Cochabamba Bus Station
(Interdepartmental buses, as opposed to city buses)
Av. Ayacucho. Esq. Tarata
(591-4) 423-4600

Apr 19, 2011

1.-En la misma Terminal de buses en Cochabamba que contacte con el punto de información turístico.
2.- En la Plaza Principal 14 de Septiembre a lado de la misma Gobernación esta la oficina de la Policía Turística
3.- Por ultimo esta el Centro de Información Turístico de la Alcaldía en la Plaza Colon acera este.

1. You can go to the bus station itself there is a tourist information point.
2. On Plaza 14 de Septiembre there is a Police tourist information section next to the government building.
3. On the Eastern sidewalk of Plaza Colón you'll find the Mayor's Office Tourist information booth.

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