Bolivian Restaurant Review: Los Nopalitos Mexican Restaurant, La Paz, Bolivia

by Vim
(La Paz, Bolivia)

Los Nopalitos is a restaurant that is based at Av Ecuador entre Guachalla y Rosendo Gutierrez, La Paz, Bolivia. One thing about this place is its really not easy to spot as its a small entrance with a stairway. One of the best ways to spot this restaurant is, once you reach the avenue look for the Indian store Nim. Keep the Indian store to your right shoulder and walk towards Mercado Sopocachi. Roughly 30 odd steps and you will see the gap in the wall with the stair way and the sign board on the wall saying Los Nopalitos.

Once you're inside you have beautiful bright colored painted walls and dining areas are like rooms in an apartment. The walls have pretty good decorations and black and white paintings from the revolution. Good music which I believe is traditional Mexican music. Menu is pretty well designed with images of the food you would like to order. For an expat the pics speak a million words on the menu.

Drinks menu is pretty good from beers all the way down to juices. I tried out the Tamarind Juice and was amazing!! Nachos and jalapeño for the strong hearted is recommended.

Menus is priced well and a good meal for two with drinks won't go over 150BS.

If you find the restaurant its a must visit :)

Comments for Bolivian Restaurant Review: Los Nopalitos Mexican Restaurant, La Paz, Bolivia

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Sep 24, 2015
Best authentic Mexican food!!!
by: Marcelino

The food is delicious!I really don't know what's the matter with the guys that left their silly commentaries about the restaurant. I'm living around the corner and I go there for month already. It's always sooo delicious..also my friends here and my visitors from Europe have always the same opinion. If these fools don't like it, they should stay the f**k out of there, but don't spread rumors and bad reputation. The guy running the restaurant is a great person! Predicate: authentic, cheap, delicious!

Apr 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

I love Mexican food and since Los Nopalitos is near where I stay in La Paz I thought I'd give it a try. Well I did and I won't go back. The place in in a dingy old house where several old bedrooms are converted to small dining areas. The place smells of mold and just stinks. The walls and decorations look like a first grade class was turned loose in the place. The menu is very limited and most items give an option of chicken, chorizo or beef. That is except the enchiladas. There are three kinds based on their, green and chipotle. I ordered red. When It arrived it tasted good but odd. It was a chicken enchilada and I don't eat chicken. I tried to finish half the plate and went looking for the owner to pay which is in another part of the house. Finally I found the owner and asked if there was an option for different meat in the enchiladas. The owner said oh yes chicken, chorizo or beef. I said the menu didn't say that and no one told me and when my order came it contained chicken which I wouldn't have ordered if I knew. He said enchiladas usually come with chicken (I thought maybe in his universe but not mine). He knocked 15B's off the tab but It's not worth going back. I was disappointed because I was hoping for a good Mexican resturant with good Mexican food and a decent selection but not here. The place had several tables filled with happy people which appeared to be having a good time but I wasn't one of them. I asked for a Corona which the owner ran across the street to buy one which was luke warm and still had the price tag on it. If I want a warm beer I'll bring one from home! If anybody gets offended that I wrote this, too bad! It's my experience, maybe yours was better but mine wasn't!

Apr 05, 2013
Careful don't eat here
by: Julián Katari

I claimed about a plate that was too salty. Since I lived In mexico for 20 years, I tried to give the owner some advice on how to prepare it better. He got really mad, said that if I didn't want to I shouldn't pay him and he threw the plate.

Seeing such bad energy I started to leave, and he ran behind me insulting me and trying to hit me. I turned around and said that he told me not to pay him and so I paid him. As I continued leaving, he continued to insult me.

I am currently presenting demands to this restaurant, Imagine someone that has liver or heart problems, a situation like this could result in serious problems. This place has really bad energy, try to avoid it.

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