Bolivia te Espera (Bolivia Awaits You) Chuquisaca

by Bolivia te Espera
(Bolivian Vice Ministry of Tourism)

The Bolivian Vice Ministry of Tourism has created a new one-minute video of the Department of Chuquisaca (Sucre). View it below in Spanish. "Bolivia te Espera" (Bolivia Awaits You) is the new brand being used to attract tourism to Bolivia. Tell us what you think of this new video in the comment section below.

Comments for Bolivia te Espera (Bolivia Awaits You) Chuquisaca

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May 25, 2015
got attracted to Bolivia
by: stella

The video of the tourism department was so fun, I really enjoyed it. the tourism department has done a great work to attract the tourist to the Bolivia.

Mar 18, 2012
Bolivia is going to keep on waiting
by: Antonio Zamorano

And again, we see the same mediocre effort that was done 30 years ago. No focus, no target, no message, no call to action - just a jumble of clips that do not flow to say anything to anybody. How is a potential 'tourist' going to know what to decide, what to say, what to do after seeing this? Where will they go to get more information? Who are they going to call to book a trip or ask for a quote of services. No web site, no phone, no e-mail. Nothing. They will go to Peru, Chile or Argentina as they actually DO know how to make a promo piece that has a purpose, directed at an audience and put together so some 'client' will actually have a call to action and some place to go and ask about a trip. This has nothing for anybody and never will. Bolivia is going to be left waiting....again.

Mar 18, 2012
by: Jose F. Camarlinghi

Again and again we see this kind of "promotional" videos that have no target at all. It does not say anything to anyone. Nobody will look at it even if it is so short... And therefore it will loose its purpose. It is another, in the list of dozens, video made without the slightest knowledge of marketing, promotion, tourism and even video production. Sad and pathetic!

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