Bolivia ecotourism: 5 little-known tourist attractions in Bolivia

(Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia)

The Pantanal covers portions of Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, a 496,000 square-kilometer area. It is one of the most impressive places on Earth in terms of wildlife and considered one of the largest wetlands worldwide.

Espejillos is a hidden gem located just 2 hours West of the city of Santa Cruz along the road to Samaipata. This remote tropical paradise, with its sparkling waterfalls and natural pools can be accessed only by all-terrain vehicle and is truly a wonder of nature.

Chuchini is a little spot of ecological paradise in the tropical forests of Beni, the second largest of Bolivia's nine states. Located just 15 kilometers (9.4 miles) north of Beni's capital city of Trinidad, you can reach this beautiful eco and archeological complex by taking an amazing boat cruise down the picturesque Ibare River.

Urubichá is a town located directly North of the city of Santa Cruz on the banks of the Blanco River where the Jesuits built one of their missions. Its natural surroundings are spectacular and its lagoons are always full of life. The people here, of Guarayo origin (most of the Jesuit missions are in the Chiquitano region) have made it their mission to preserve the baroque music brought from Europe by the Jesuits.

Valle Concepción is a beautiful valley region under one hour from the city of Tarija, Bolivia. Here you can visit the haciendas and wineries and see some of the world's highest vineyards. Tarija is known for its prize-winning wines which you can taste if you take a vineyard tour, along with some of the region's most typical cuisine.

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Comments for Bolivia ecotourism: 5 little-known tourist attractions in Bolivia

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Aug 10, 2015
my favorite place
by: stella

Espejillos is my favorite place in the Bolivia. You know most of the people don’t know about this beautiful place. And I can simply relax that there will not be any rush during any of the season. I can watch the beauty of the place without any rush.

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