5 Tourists Mugged in Santa Cruz

I heard today on the news that 5 tourists, allegedly from London, were mugged and robbed today at the new Parque de los Próceres, on the banks of the Piraí River. Witnesses allege they were beaten and their clothing, shoes and valuables were taken from them. The tourists themselves didn't appear anywhere in the news story so there's no way to know what really happened, however, if it's true, it really SUCKS!

Just how are we supposed to attract tourism, one of the country's main sources of income, if this stupid stuff keeps happening? And just how are we supposed to say that we live in a peaceful plurinational state that is against racism and discrimination and respects all ethnic groups, backgrounds and nationalities, if people keep attacking visitors from other cultures? What an impression to leave on visitors, not to mention how traumatized they must be.

Shame! Shame! Shame!

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Oct 20, 2010
5 Tourists Mugged in Santa Cruz
by: BoliviaBella

I heard about this too. It's truly, truly sad! I feel really sorry for them to have had this kind of awful experience. It must be really hard to be so far from home and not know anyone here. There are lots of foreigners living here, but we don't know who the tourists are.

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