1 Million Fish Dead in Bolivian Ecological Disaster

(3 Aug. 2010 Update: The number of dead fish and other water-dependent wildlife totaled over 6 million.) Due to the extremely high degree of interest and numerous comments generated by this disaster, we interviewed authorities and took them the questions YOU posted in our forums. Here's what caused the fish and other wildlife to die. The pink river dolphins were rescued and moved to a safe area! --- We ask you to be a bit patient as this page loads due to the many MANY comments that have been sent in.


July 2010: Over 1 million fish and thousands of alligators, turtles, dolphins and other river wildlife are floating dead in numerous Bolivian rivers in the three eastern/southern departments of Santa Cruz, Beni and Tarija. The extreme cold front that hit Bolivia in mid-July caused water temperatures to dip below the minimum temperatures river life can tolerate. As a consequence, rivers, lakes, lagoons and fisheries are brimming with decomposing fish and other creatures.

Unprecedented: Nothing like this has ever been seen in this magnitude in Bolivia. Inhabitants of riverside communities report the smell is nauseating and can be detected as far as a kilometer away from river banks. River communities, whose livelihoods depend on fishing, fear they'll run out of food and will have nothing to sell. Authorities are concerned there will be a shortage of fish in markets and are more concerned by possible threats to public health, especially in communities that also use river water for bathing and drinking, but also fear contaminated or decaying fish may end up in market stalls. They've begun a campaign to ensure market vendors and the public know how to tell the difference between fresh and unhealthy fish.

In university fish ponds and commercial fisheries the losses are also catastrophic.

For automatic updates on this and other news stories, please subscribe to the BoliviaBella.com Blog. We'll run more information on it when we have news.

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Sep 24, 2015
Ecological Disaster
by: Anonymous

Just desire to say your article is as astonishing. The clarity in your post is just excellent and i can assume you're an expert on this subject. Fine with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please continue the gratifying work.

Aug 01, 2014
is this the world we created?
by: Anonymous

is this the world we created?

Aug 25, 2011
One more thing
by: Anonymous

I forgot to mention that there were Iraqi citizens, who were interviewed, about unusual deaths, during US/Zionist raid on them. Even doctors were interviewed in their clinics, but Youtube keeps taking the videos off.

They all stated that the bodies were shrunken to much smaller sizes, and their eyes were completely missing, among other strangeness. The vehicles of the shrunken/dead Iraqis had no damage to them whatsoever.

Think about putting a piece of chicken in the microwave and heating it too long. It dries up all the water, and then the chicken would shrivel up, just as the body would do, if all the water was gone.

Aug 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Here's what I have learned.

Chauvez publically said that HAARP caused the Haiti quake. Farmlands in US are purposely being flooded, and now Soros and govt are buying it up on the cheap. They have blown 430 dams in the US since 1999, with many more to come, which is flooding more farmland. They blew Bird's Point Levee and flooded 130,000 acres of land, before even trying to open the floodgate in Louisiana, of which they did later. Why not do it first? Fish are dying everywhere, by the millions, and it's because the water is being heated to the point of killing them. They heat the water, so it condensates (can see this on radar) and then they excite the cloud molecules, causing weather anomalies.

I've seen beached whale pics, where some whales are dead, but normal looking, and others are burned. Further, if the water was too cold in Bolivia, when all their millions of fish, turtles, and alligators died, then you have to wonder why the turtles and alligators didnt' get out of the water. Something else happened to them.

The day the floods began in Pakistan last year, a commercial airliner went down, hitting a hillside. The plane was in a no-fly zone, because it lost it's electronics from HAARP type technology, since any other time that plane would have known its location with onboard navigation equip. How did it lose its way?

There was a grid pattern of earthquakes in Turkey, which was absolutely not normal. See this video.

Another video was taken around the Pisgah volcano area of California, and a strange laser type light was picked up on camera. This area had been emitting steam, which was being picked up on radar. It's because they are heating it, to perturb the volcano.

The protests in Libya, and all throughout those areas are being done by hired protestors, not the people of their countries. NATO is bombing innocent ppl with drones because they want their oil, and whatever else. The media lies about it in the US, and so I can only surmise who is behind the attacks. The ones who own the US media are the Zionist...the same ones who did 9/11 and the London bombings.

Here's a link, where the guy thinks the Japan quake was done on purpose. I agree with him, as do I think the 2004 Indonesian tsunami was done with a nuke, as well. Australia warned their ppl not to travel to that area over Christmas, using the excuse of possible terrorism. Yeah, I'd say terrorism alright...by the powers-that-be.

I could go on and on. All I've done is study for the past 2.5 years, to make sense of what is happening to all of us, and it makes me so angry, but also sad. Hope this helped answer your question.

Aug 25, 2011
burned victims
by: Anonymous

Rhonda, how do you know the people that were not allowed to be seen were burned? I am curious.

Jul 06, 2011
Re: Microwave
by: Rhonda

I agree with one of the posters about microwave technology.

Listen to this meteorologic conference, where the guy is speaking about tornado mitigation, but also adds, that they have to be careful not to COOK the people.

Then consider this. Joplin, Missouri, USA, had a massive tornado, that killed a lot of people. They then immediately set up a "secret" morgue, where even CNN News team couldn't get to. A few days later, a fungus was reported to have affected some of the survivors.

REASON: Microwave beams burned/cooked/blistered the dead people, and they couldn't explain this, so they set up a secret morgue. Then, the survivors who had some contact with microwave beams, had injuries beneath the skin, much like a home microwave heats food from inside, by exciting water molecules. When the skin started dying on top, they called it fungus. That's a LIE!!

PROBLEM: How do we stop this?!

Jul 06, 2011
the species survived
by: Anonymous

Melissa, as to alligators and turtles, their SPECIES survived. Which probably means that some alligators and turtles in some areas of the world were not as badly affected by the meteor or other things as others. Those directly in the path of it, however, most certainly did not survive.

It's the same with this disaster. It occurred in a few specific areas. Therefore fish, alligators, and turtles in other areas were not affected. So while millions of individual fish, etc. may have died, probably millions also survived.

It's not the entire SPECIES that was affected.

In addition, the article does not say 1 million turtles and alligators died. It says millions of FISH died.

Jul 06, 2011
Smells a little fishy
by: Melissa

Alligators and Turtles are some of the oldest species known to man kind and are known to have been alive during the days of dinosaurs.
So a two day weather drop by a few "flurries" would not result in 1,000,000 dead.
If they could survive a large meteor on the surface of earth, the ice age happened next and guess what, they survived it!
Theres a key event thats missing here. Assuming that the weather had been quite cold, water is an excellent source of keeping heat. Two days of bitter cold wouldnt result in a dramatic drop like that, unless its been brewing for a while.
But either way, I'm a petroleum engineer... not a biologist so this is not my area.

Feb 03, 2011
MILTARY TESTING Animals Then Humans
by: Anonymous

People seen UFO/ORB beam then leaving site where kills are, saying the fish looks like they have been burned by the beam, The Military has been using these ORBs since 1988, now they are equipped with new microwave weapons and more, believe me this is meant for us soon, Imagine A Microwave Beam Over A City, could Crispy Fried 1,000,000's Fast.

Better wake up Fast folks, Unite with loved ones, The Shit will be hitting the fan SOON!! :(

Jan 20, 2011
Info for everyone:
by: Rhonda

I hope you can link to the following sites, because this is VERY important.

When you see the Youtube video, it will speak of animal die off, and then it goes to someone alerting us of seismic activity on ALL the stations around the world. I verified this by actually going to the monitoring site (I'll link it). At first I thought I was reading the graphs wrong, as they were all off the charts, but today (1/20/11)they are back to normal. I have NO idea what was happening to cause them to record such activity throughout the world. I will continue to monitor, and hopefully more people will, as well.

Seismic Link (click on "live internet seismic server.")

Youtube, showing what the seismic activity was a few days ago. Also Dr. Begich gives a good summation of what HAARP is, as well)

Also, check this link out of strange radar activity over Australia, and notice in the second picture that the formation is similar to the one shown in the Youtube video, by the meteorologist/weatherman:

AND, article on HAARP possibly causing earthquake in Peru:

God Bless everyone!!

Jan 20, 2011
by: vsmith

Well, it does look like some kind of harvest of souls...........I guess next will be the humans.

Jan 04, 2011
Will you all stop?
by: Rudikins

Dont you realize that governments or even religion arguments are all meant to have us fighting each other for the real truth that is never revealed by the governing authorities with fears of mass panic?

You dont have to be a scientist to put 1 + 1 together!

I mean, come on! look at the 'poor' evidence we have?

Maya predictions, precession of the equinoxes, the current disasters happening all over the world, and the earthquakes... the earth is already adjusting and changing, but it will be a slow change until it reaches its peak! and How the bleep are we going to survive if we all gonna be fighting over whos right or wrong?

Dec 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

hey anon, below me... all i can say is that you are totally insane.

Dec 07, 2010
simple faith just add the water of the word
by: Anonymous

The creator looks down from his throne and derides those who hurt his anointed and the earth trees and waters, they can haarp on all they like, but those d elite ,will be playing a different tune in the lake of fire. stick with jesus only as god in heart and in the flesh, so if you die, u will live,4 eva jesus is the lord of all, cure, chuck some hosip in the water in jesus name and bless your food in jesus name, ask him and he will heal your nation and protest now all of you, against the evil pollutters and religion cant save you only jesus can free us from the creators judgement,faith of jesus can rise u from death (sin is what caused this death )and threw the death of one innocent person christ jesus mankind is offered a reunion with our powerful creator and righteous king jesus amen aroha aotearoa

Aug 25, 2010
Global Warming Elitism
by: Rhonda

It would seem that global warming elitism is causing pricing to already be established, AND if they are so concerned about our environment, then why are they destroying our rain forest to grow palm oil. Come on people, this is a scam, using HAARP's weather modification....


The energy industry is aligning with government of the Philippines in reducing the burden of suppression of the insurgency in Mindanao.

Divide and rule tactics pitting Christians and Muslims against one another have failed to cement state power. Military occupation has proved ineffective. The intractable conflict with the rebels has persisted for decades despite the presence of US military advisers as well as generous provision of the latest, most lethal, weapons.

During the Vietnam war, the US used napalm and agent orange in an attempt to isolate and expose the Viet Cong. Now a new and progressive method of fracturing the links between the insurgency and the population in which the insurgents move is appearing.

Tropical rainforests can now be cleared and converted into biodiesel. All the while, the stripped areas can be replanted with palm oil plantations. Local, newly dispossessed, people can be readily hired to provide plantation labor. What’s more, consumers in Europe will have to pay the premium cost of the biodiesel because the mandates for biodiesel sales are already established.

All these benefits for transnational investors accrue from meeting carbon reduction goals!

For countless centuries slash and burn agriculture provided a sustainable subsistence in harmony with the environment in tropical rain-forests due to ample rotation cycles. But this practice is simply impossible to exploit for the export of cash crops.

Forests are now being converted into energy farms around the world at an unprecedented rate.

Proposed changes to the Brazilian Forest Code, if accepted, will double deforestation in the Amazon. As a result of lobbying by the alternative energy sector, 85 million hectares of the Amazon could be destroyed. An area equivalent to the size of England and France together and more than the total that has been destroyed until now.

Aug 25, 2010
by: Rhonda


You need to pay closer attention to exactly what is going on. Israel is being ran directly by Satan. The so-called Jews, who run the Jewish Crimial Network Zionist Mossad caused 9/11, not the Muslims. Look up how many Israelis were arrested on 9/11 and then released. The IDF videos of the Flotilla were fake, as well. They filmed them propelling onto the supposed Mavi Marmara, but in fact was on an entirely different boat! Check out this link and notice the difference in the two boats:


There is no "Mavi Marmara" wording on the side of the boat, the sky bridge is different, the paint on the sky bridge is missing, and there is NO railing on the Mavi.

The Zionist control the Military Industrial Complex AND HAARP, which is killing all the animals and causing all the worldwide diasasters, so their Satanist regime can run their One World Govt from Israel, and the Goyim (non-jews) will be their Communist slaves. The Zionist hate the Christians and Muslims, and are pitting them against each other all over the world. The Zionist own and operate most banks, media stations, movie studios, newspapers, and magazines, and they are the ones corrupting everyone and everything. They worship the Babylonian Talmud, NOT the Torah/Bible. Read about the Talmud, but better yet, see where the good Jews are trying to warn people:


Do NOT fall for this deception! Read what the Bible says about this.

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

The people running Israel right now are NOT from the Tribe of Judah, nor from any good Jewish tribe, for that matter. They are the Synagogue of Satan! Wake up Ricardo!! AND, wake up people around the world!! God says to look towards the action of a person to know if they are good. The actions of Israel are NOT good. They are liars, just as we've been warned.

Aug 25, 2010
by: Rhonda

If this was due to temperature drop, then why did alligators and turtles die, which can get out of water? This is being caused by HAARP, and you can look it up on the internet to find out more. I will post numerous videos of what is happening around the world, including beached whales and hundreds of birds just dropping from the sky, dead. HAARP is also causing most of the natural disasters that the world is being plagued by; floods, earthquakes, temperature drops, droughts, tsunamis, hurricanes.

This first video clearly shows something strange is going on:

Also, take note of different dates of these beachings:

This pic shows burned skin of whale in New Zealand:









In the following article, keep in mind that the funnel caused by HAARP in first video can also do the same with these fish.



The above is just a sampling. May God bless us all, as we're going to need it!!

Aug 18, 2010
who did the research
by: BoliviaBella

@Steve: as I mentioned above, we followed through on this on August 9th by visiting Bolivian authorities at the Santa Cruz State Government's Department of Sustainable Development and the Environment. Here are the details.

Aug 17, 2010
Who did the research?
by: Steve

I see a lot of people saying it seems to be the cold front .... Where are the official reports and what they tested for? I have seen this before and it was not caused by a cold front it was caused by ash in the air being washed into the river by a passing storm causing the PH to fall out of normals.

Aug 17, 2010
You MUST Identify the Problem First
by: Anonymous

@:) by: Anonymous,

First of all, you cannot even BEGIN to talk about solutions until you talk about the problem and IDENTIFY the problem ... or the LACK of a problem! Which is where we stand with so called 'global warming'.

So....what is YOUR solution that you want to talk about without even identifying the problem? Hmmmmmm?

Aug 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

Lets stop talking about problems.. that is easy

Lets start talking about solutions.. we are they

Aug 16, 2010
global warming or climate change
by: BoliviaBella

Thank you "Anonymous" for your comments. I think people often confuse the global warming issue with the climate change issue, because global warming tends to be discussed and debated more often.

I did not say below that is is NOT a global warming issue. What I did say, it's that it is not a global warming, cooling, or dimming issue TO ME.

If you take a look at any other portions of my site, you'll see I'm an extremely straight-forward person who never hides behind a title, label, or issue "name". I have my opinions and I put them on the table openly. However, I never do this unless I am 100% convinced of something.

I am not 100% convinced on the global warming platform, just as I am not 100% convinced about dimming or cooling.

I am, however, 100% convinced our climate is changing and that it is NOT 100% naturally occurring. I believe human actions absolutely do contribute to climate change - whether our planet ends up warming, cooling or dimming. Either way (as I stated clearly below).

Maybe a more understandable way to put it is this:

Whether our earth ends up getting too hot or too cold, isn't really the issue for me. Because neither one of those options would have less catastrophic results for us than the other.

What you are correct on, is that I believe Bolivians need to be more responsible for their part in negatively affecting our climate and our environment, even though SOME scientific statistics indicate Bolivia contributes less than 1% to this. 1% is 1% too much in my book.

I am not Bolivian but I do live here. Therefore I am responsible for my own actions here in Bolivia - and I will be responsible for my own actions ANYWHERE I choose to live.

I practice what I preach at home, online and in the work place and I do what I can to get out the message that it is important others do the same

In Bolivia and in any other place on Earth that human beings live. Period.

Aug 15, 2010
BB, Thank You!!!!
by: Anonymous

Bolivia Bella, I am glad to hear you say that it is NOT a "global warming" issue! Although from your other comments I think it is probably obvious where you stand on the issue.

The things you mention about dumping sewage in Lake Titicaca, clearing land of forest and never planting any forests etc all point to TOTAL irresponsibility of YOUR citizens! So when ARE you guys going to take responsibility for yourselves?!!!

Don't let your people hide behind a bogus thing like 'global warming' and thus skate free of RESPONSIBILITY!!!

Aug 15, 2010
by: BoliviaBella

It's been very interesting to see how many comments this one event has generated (over 250 in the course of a week or so). It's getting to the point where our page is taking forever to load. However I'm glad to see people so concerned over the issue, whatever your opinions may be.

This has pretty much turned into a debate over global warming. I'll not take sides on that issue. I think the most important issue is taking care of our environment regardless.

Bolivia is getting many environmental wake-up calls that could support any of one these theories and I'm no scientist, but I am convinced that we are not being good stewards of our earth.

In Bolivia our glaciers have melted (our famed Chacaltaya, allegedly the highest ski resort on Earth, is no more). The cold killed our fish and other wildlife. Lake Titicaca is polluted as heck (highland communities on both the Bolivian and Peruvian side are dumping their waste into it). It is at its lowest level in decades and some scientists claim it will eventually split into two lakes. Meanwhile, there are 2045 forest fires raging simultaneously at this very moment - because irresponsible farmers are clearing them for land - which they will use for a couple of seasons until the soil has no nutrients and then they'll move on to the next patch of land - without bothering to do any reforesting - meanwhile here in Santa Cruz we've spent the past week coughing up smoke. In the southern Chaco region, the worst drought in recent memory with hundreds of heads of cattle dead. The cold killed the ones the drought didn't get to.

Some things we have control over and some we don't - but to me it's not a global warming, dimming, cooling, or staying-the-same issue. It's a "when are we going to take responsibility for our actions" issue.

Aug 15, 2010
Learn the scientific facts, not the spin, before you opine by: Anonymous
by: Anonymous

Yup, that is right! You cannot debate facts so you just go to name-calling! Anyone who disagrees with your RELIGIOUS view that man is causing global warming gets called IDIOT by you! Nice intellectual debating there!

You are out and out LYING when you say 97% of scientists and EVERY organization in the ENTIRE WORLD agrees that man is causing global warming! LYING!

But then why should we expect anything less from people like you who love your political/religious agenda and swallow all of it hook line and sinker!

Over 32,000 CLIMATE scientists and meteorologists have signed a statement DENYING (since you guys LOVE the term 'denier') that man is CAUSING global warming! Orders of magnitude MORE than the 2,000 scientists who are promoting the idea of global warming being a CRISIS so that they can get more FUNDING!

You followers of the global warming RELIGION are dishonest to the core!!

Aug 15, 2010
Weather Channel explains recent extreme weather around the world
by: Anonymous

Weather Channel Senior Meteorologist explains extreme weather patterns around the world in 2010, and how it relates (or not) to global warming

Aug 15, 2010
Learn the scientific facts, not the spin, before you opine
by: Anonymous

Wow, the scientific illiteracy and extreme willful ignorance on display in the comments here is truly breathtaking.

For a full debunking of all the talking point from BOTH the denier and alarmist crowds, go to www.SkepticalScience.com. Search any claim and see the actual scientific evidence on everything we know and DON'T know.

The chemistry, physics, and thermodynamics involved in analyzing the global climate are science, not religion, nor are they liberal or conservative.

Most of your commenters here are utterly ignorant of how basic weather works within the context of the global climate system, and clearly haven't bothered to educate themselves on what the science actually says.

Climate scientists predict a trend to more extreme and intense weather events, both hot and cold. And contrary to what some idiot commenter said below, the scientific consensus runs something like 97% of Earth systems scientists, and EVERY major scientific research organization in the ENTIRE WORLD, without exception, says human activities are causing a rise in global temperatures.

You may not like what you perceive to be the policy responses, but that doesn't change the scientific fact. Don't take my word for it, tho -- educate yourself on THE SCIENCE.

Aug 15, 2010
@ Ricardo
by: Anonymous

Hopefully Trollin

Aug 12, 2010
Earth Facts
by: Fact Master

First of all, the Earth always has and always will go through many cycles of climate, ecological and polar changes. Currently, the Earth is overdue for many of these so called "civilzation changing" events.

Humans are not to blame, nor is carbon dioxide or any other chemical created by humans.

Personally, I have felt we are in the time of a polar shift or magnetic shift. Since no intelligent species has ever recorded or survived one of these events, we can only go by data and piece together similar events that may lead to a global change.

What I am seeing now throughout the world is this:
an increase in volcanic activity, climate disasters (rainfall, storms, tornados, snow, etc), earthquakes, droughts, floods, odd Jet stream patterns, and many more signs. All of these in my opinion are the tell tale signs of something much larger on our horizon. When that huge event happens is anyone's guess. YES GUESS! since there is no solid data or historical data to back anything up, it is all speculation.

With the sun now coming back to life, so to speak, I have a feeling this may be the trigger needed for mother earth to heal herself of all the cancerous and other infections harming her. (yes, that means humans and other aspects of life that have caused harm to Earth). This healing is what we may call a Pole Shift or Ice Age. Either way, we are looking at a very solid chance of our civilzation not surviving another 100 years, but probably even less than that.

The next 5 years will be key. Keep watching the events on the Sun as well as the natural disasters here on earth. Do NOT Believe politicians, media, scientists (who seem to only speak when there is an agenda or they get paid to)
Do your own research on past earth events, or civilzation changing events.

Just be ready for anything and everything because the Earth will be going through some massive changes, and we are the ones going to be in the heart of it all.

Aug 12, 2010
@ Ricardo
by: Anonymous

That is one of the most idiotic and inaccurate comments i have seen on any message board or comment thread.

Where do you get your information from? National Enquirer?

Religions fanatics never cease to amaze me with the make believe nonsense they call a curse or other ridiculous forms of "judgement".

Stop the stupidity and try logic sometime, it may help.

Aug 11, 2010
by: Ricardo

Muslim Obama is pressuring Israel to make peace with the Arabs.
The Jewish God don't want a Palestinian State in the Land of Israel.
Hence God is crushing the USA on a daily basis:
a.- almost 100 million Americans are unemployed
b.- Blacks have declared Race war on American Whites
c.- Mexicans want to take 4 states back to Mexico
d.- Most White women have marrying Blacks and producing Mulatto bastard children, hated by God.
e.- America's prestige is falling
f.- North Korea attacked the Oil Rig in the gulf
g.- North Korea will launch a nuclear attack says Fidel Castro, before Nov elections.

As you can see the CURSE is real.
You Curse Israel and your money will fly to Jewish Pockets, like mine hahahahaha

Aug 11, 2010
Gracias Webmaster
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Mi inquietud estaba dirigida a gente de habla española que no domina el inglés. Com habrás visto no es ese mi problema. Pensaba que hbaía versión en español con la mayoría de los artículos en español.

Veo que el sitio está dedicado a promocionar a Bolivia en el exterior, algo que ma parece magnífico. Por mi parte yo soy argentino pero he viajado a Bolivia todos los años desde 1987 hasta que finalmente me instalé en Santa Cruz durante cinco años.

Bolivia tiene un lugar muy especial en mi corazón, como lo tuvo para mi padre quien entre 1918 y 1921 exploró las selvas entre Santa Cruz-Rurrenabaque-Guajará Mirín-Riberalta -a caballo, con un perro y un Máuser. Me dejó de herencia su amor por Bolivia. Y por ello me duele cuando allí pasan cosas que afectan a su gente. Ojalá vengan tiempos mejores para todos y Bolivia avance hacia el futuro que su gene merece.

Un saludo cordial,

Eduardo Ferreyra
Córdoba, Argentina

Aug 11, 2010
Jayne DeMente, Continue Your Delusion
by: Anonymous

You said, "Many research articles exist to support alarm".

Of course there are. That is why you are called "alarmists". DISHONEST ALARMISTS!

There are more scientists that say it is a HOAX. Probably by a factor of 10 scientists who say it is a HOAX to every one scientist who is an ALARMIST who is trying to scare people into giving him money for more bogus 'research'!

Keep your head in the sand, Jayne! That is a real nice position for you.

Aug 11, 2010
Are You All the Same Person?
by: Jayne DeMente

I have never seen so much of the same rhetoric on one page - are you all "anonymous", "angry" or "stupid"; or are you just the same person bogarting this column or some lame hip hop artist that dropped out of school before language class? Do any of you know how to have intelligent dilalogue? Many research articles exist to support alarm for the ecological changes south of the US border; and as much as I dislike Bush - he just was not in office long enough to have done "all" the environmental damage that must be undone - that is a long history of primarily Western partriarchy's "manifest destiny" movement; to respond to the insensitive "fertilizer" comment - please consider not that animals make good fertilizer but that it is an indicator that humans will also be fertilizer dying in large amounts as well or worse; and if one wishes to change what is happening, start with oneself and statements regarding positive change in the world.

Aug 10, 2010
mortandad de peces en bolivia
by: BoliviaBella

A: Eduardo de Bolivia: El 90% de nuestro sitio web está en inglés. No todas sus páginas han sido traducidas y no había publicado este artículo en español. Sin embargo, porque te interesa, lo he traducido. Ahora podrás leerlo en español aquí:

Mortandad de Peces

No estoy segura a que te refieres con página "root". Si estás teniendo problemas con enlaces en alguna de nuestras páginas, por favor inserta el URL de la página para que podamos diagnosticar el problema.

Gracias y saludos

Aug 10, 2010
Links a idioma español no funcionan
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Webmaster: los links en la página "root" en español conducen todos nuevamente a la versión inglesa! No hay manera en leer nada en español. La noticia de la entrevista al Secretario del Ambiente Manlio Roca Zamora no se puede acceder en Español.

¿Se puede corregir?

Aug 10, 2010
To:sea ice by: Anonymous
by: Anonymous

Well, Anonymous, READ your own graph!!!

All of the data threads that have recent data on YOUR graph, SHOW INCREASING ICE!!!


So before you go calling people names and then posting a graph that proves THEIR point and proves that YOU are WRONG, READ! lololol

What an idiot!

And south pole ice is increasing EVEN MORE!

Aug 10, 2010
Protocols of Zion have Mangled the Earth
by: Anonymous

Hopefully then, with the prophecies being fulfilled, the Zionists will finally be kicked off the Planet.

“We shall contrive to prove that we are benefactors who have restored to the mangled earth the true good of the person, on the condition, of course, of strict observance of the laws established by us.”


9/11 was an inside job also done by them:


Aug 10, 2010
sea ice
by: Anonymous

To the idiot that keeps insisting that sea ice is increasing, you need to learn the difference between hard data and partisan opinions.


Aug 10, 2010
Prophecy no 12 fulfilled: Mary's Book of Preparations for the End Times As given to Patricia Mundorf
by: Malcolm

My Dear Children, when you see the events listed below, know that the time of your WARNING will be very near.
1. Earthquakes /Tremors
2. Tidal waves / your earth falling in to the water
3. Volcanos erupting, where they have been quiet for years.
4. Weather changes, cold where its hot, and hot where its cold.
5. Severe weather, Hurricanes, tornadoes monsoons, etc.
6. Severe world economy problems
7. Stock market problems
8. Famine / droughts water shortages
9. Murder and hate crimes rampant
10. Wars and attempts at war, showing of powers
11. crop damages, crop failure
12. animal population dying, sickness

Aug 09, 2010
Fish are fertalzer so burry them.
by: Anonymous

Fish are fertalzer so burry them.

Aug 09, 2010
NOAA monitoring stations
by: Anonymous

To: Shawn

About the NOAA. They have shut down hundreds, if not thousands, of monitoring stations in the past year or two. I'm sure the majority of these were in rural areas (harder to maintain, costs), and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt that they closed these stations due to the recession and not because of alterior motives(??). So, there are more monitoring stations, I assume, closer to urban areas. Of course, the heat island effect doesn't exist, so I guess it's representative.

Aug 09, 2010
what a bunch of religious assholes
by: Anonymous

get your heads out your asses and think!

Aug 09, 2010
For the Eduardo's
by: Anonymous

Sheeple are hard to educate, but we will try and make some connections here for some of them. There is a massive sabotage of the food supply going on around the world through poison, fires and floods in Australia, Pakistan, Canada, Russia and the Gulf of Mexico. These are obviously being caused for the NWO depopulation program of the Planet through mass starvation. There is nothing biblical about this -- it is just some very evil people (Rothschild Central Bankers) with some very evil plans that have been in the works for a very long time. Read the post on HAARP and scalar weaponry -- don't let that one go over your head because it's all true.

COREXIT is also a chemical warfare weapon and kills everything in the ocean from top to bottom.

The waters are made even more toxic when this chemical is mixed with oil. So they didn't disperse the oil, they simply dispersed the poison -- tons of it -- which is going to travel through the ocean currents and kill everything in other places of the world.


Aug 09, 2010
global dimming - interesting
by: Anonymous

I had never heard of global dimming before. Watched the video Overlooked posted. Very interesting point of view.

Aug 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

Something that I would like to point out, no-one has mentioned "Global Dimming" please have a look at, http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/757.html, it runs for an hour but is very informative.

Aug 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

Something that I would like to point out, no-one has mentioned "Global Dimming" please have a look at,http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/757.html, it runs for an hour but is very informative.

Aug 09, 2010
Happens through out time
by: MarkinDurango

Well Gee Whiz of course the climate is changing...ALWAYS has.....ALWAYS will.

Aug 09, 2010
Happens through out time
by: MarkinDurango

Well Gee Whiz of course the climate is changing...ALWAYS has.....ALWAYS will.

Aug 09, 2010
by: Anonymous





Obama and his marxists media colleagues in America are scrambling to remain silent to avoid the antartic equator blast of cold air amongst mass killings of people, fish and animals. Major embarrassment. Obama clings to lies of global warming, hides data and urgent reports instead.

The Yankee marxist class seek to use their propaganda ploys to cover up and silence the people of Bolivia. They seek to keep the deadly cold weather climate change secret to fool the world. Courageous independent news sources who some say risking their lives to get the information out to the world against the coordinated attacks by the marxist thieves who ultimately seek to steal from the poor worldwide.

The Yankee and British marxists have been caught red-handed fabricating fake global warming data while laughing and drinking beer on many occasions, and by using KGB tactics to suppress opposite research. They obtained much money for their personal use from UN sources.

Investigations revealed they conspired to create mass famines through draconian measures that would quadruple the prices of energy and food, creating man made mass starvations worldwide, expressly for the purpose of stealing the remaining resources and depopulation of some non-white race regions of the globe.

It is unknown when "crimes against humanity" prosecutions will begin in the world court. These marxist professors have obtained lawyers and are reported near suicide at being caught, but show no remorse for their 20 year conspiracy to annihilate much of humanity. They were seen laughing and said they expecting to be cleared, but were last seen shredding papers into the wee hours of the night.

Reporting from Bolivia

Aug 09, 2010
Bolivia in a disaster mode
by: Anonymous

It looks like another sabotage case. Forest fires out of control in certain areas of the world and bizarre weather hitting the agricultural areas of many nations including the USA. Do a search on how many people are displaced today throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America in particular and it is truly horrifying.

Aug 09, 2010
Learn to trust science.
by: Anonymous

I can't believe all the stupid denyers. Global warming causes low temperatures.! We have to start paying more for everything because of the carbon tax so that we can save the planet from the coming ice age which is (obviously) caused by global warming. To the uninformed, this may seem like a contradiction, that is why you people out there need to learn to trust the scientists and accept the truth that we must reduce our carbon footprint. It is only right that those who lead this valiant effort to save the planet for our grand children should get filthy rich for performing this valuable service for mankind. Again, don't overthink this. Trust in science to lead us, and if you don't understand something, just take our word for it and learn to trust.

Aug 09, 2010
J Del, you said.....
by: Anonymous

J Del you said, "I have to admit the square mile area is in fact larger than has been before -*granted I give you that point*-"

Thank you for having the honesty to admit that the area of the polar ice caps has been GROWING!! You have already proved yourself to be different from most other global warming religionists! You can be HONEST on some points.

However, then you said, "But what you need to first look into is the *thickness* of that area".

And I would suggest YOU look into it as well. Because the Antarctic ice cap is INCREASING in thickness! INCREASING!!!

Then you said, " That's the reason why just last week, a huge part of a glazier(sic) broke off in the north pole.
(Go figure.....lol)"

Yup, GO FIGURE!!! It is known as SUMMER!!!!!! lololol And it was not the North Pole, it was Greenland!

Aug 09, 2010
All Gore its now Methane!!
by: NOT.C02

Where's Al Gore when we need him to explain this? LOL Fnny how nobody virtually is reporting that Al Gore has changed his mind about C02 being then causes of climate chnage and now he beleives its Methane!!! Yet he is still carbon/C02 trading and we with the Kyoto protocol in place are still paying for it! There's always been climate chnage and snap weather patterns its just the way it is.

Aug 09, 2010
KennyG is just an idiot!
by: MiguelM

To blame this on Bush is just BS. GFY Mr G.

Aug 09, 2010
KennyG is just an idiot!
by: MiguelM

To blame this on Bush is just BS. GFY Mr G.

Aug 09, 2010
KennyG is just an idiot!
by: MiguelM

To blame this on Bush is just BS. GFY Mr G.

Aug 09, 2010
Bush lied; fish died
by: kennyg

This tragedy can be linked to the eight years of the Bush administration policies that caused a worldwide recession and reduction in carbon dioxide emissions that is causing unprecendented cooling, which these fish could not survive. Anything bad happens anywhere, Bush is responsible.

Aug 09, 2010
Bush lied; fish died
by: kennyg

This tragedy can be linked to the eight years of the Bush administration policies that caused a worldwide recession and reduction in carbon dioxide emissions that is causing unprecendented cooling, which these fish could not survive. Anything bad happens anywhere, Bush is responsible.

Aug 08, 2010
Bolivia and Russia
by: Marks2Much

Could it be that earth's poles are beginning to shift, as has long been predicted? Russia is experiencing record high temperatures while Bolivia has just the opposite.

Just a speculation.

Aug 08, 2010
Cooling Warming Solar Flux and Environment
by: MrObvious

The fish died when the river got cold. Stuff happens. Parts of the world got warmer than normal for longer than normal and parts got colder. So, I repeat, stuff happens. The sun has been going through a low point; and, that has resulted in overall cooling; but, that low point seems to have come to an end. Heat waves can occur, in places, during solar lows, and cold waves during solar highs. The sun is picking up again; so, expect more highs than lows in the near future. Also, expect more instances of higher UV. The Ozone Layer converts most of the UV to heat; but, not all of it. When the sun spikes, increased UV activity is the first thing they notice. That's how they knew to be on the lookout for the CME that just happened. Anyway, and once again, stuff happens.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Shawn

Is there any doubt that NOAA had sold out to Al Gore and the AGW crowd? I recently read that NOAA is already saying 2010 is the warmest year on record. They say this despite record cold on the east coast this past winter, record cold summer on the west coast this year, record cold in the southern hemisphere etc. Where do they take their temperatures - in a boiler room in mid-town Manhattan?

Aug 08, 2010
Corexit, my foot!
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Corexit is the dispersant used in degrading the oil from the Gul spill. It is not used in Bolivia, you nut!

What else they say for denying the fish massive death toll was caused by the freezing polar wave? (It is so against their cherised theory!)Lunatics have said chemicals dumped into rivers by cocaine producers in the jungle. While they have been doing that and polluting rivers since the early 70s (without a single green NGO complaining!), fish have thrived nicely until 15 days ago when suddenly the cocaine residues began to act on the river wildlife. Come on, give me a break!

How can people be so stupid!!

Aug 08, 2010
La Paz Olympics 2040
by: Anonymous

La Paz Bolivia will get the 2040 Summer Olympics and Soylent Green wuill be a lead sponsor!

Aug 08, 2010
This is GLOBAL WARMING ! My freind!! by: J.DEL.
by: J.DEL

Unfortunately the part of my theory you decided
to refute is base on scientific facts.!
I have to admit the square mile area is in fact larger than has been before -*granted I give you that point*- But what you need to first look into is the *thickness* of that area The satellites measurements have concluded THAT AREA to be 10 times thinner than the area that is replacing from previews years (in other words while the area is larger. The thickness is 10 times thinner. )
with a yearly net loss of glazier thickness..
That's the reason why just last week, a huge part of
a glazier broke off in the north pole.
(Go figure.....lol)

Aug 08, 2010
Global Warming is Man Made Up
by: Anonymous

I feel bad for the oil companies who get slandered in this whole thing. They try and provide good product and services and all they get is grief. I'm so sick of people blaming them for everything. As far as I can tell, the oil companies are the ones trying to help the environment. You've seen the commercials, they are doing so much for us and the environment. People think because the oil companies make so much profit every year, that's a reason to hate them. Well I'm glad they make so much. I think they should make more in fact because of all the good work they do. When this whole BP spill thing happened, BP was out there helping people get paid. And now, all the oil that leaked out is already gone! Things are already back to normal. The fishing has returned to normal, people are going back to their fishing jobs, it wasn't even that bad! Everyone was saying the oild would be around for decades, it's already all the way gone and it's not even been a month! People should be thanking BP for doing such a good job instead of blaming them for everything.

Aug 08, 2010
Thumps Of Love
by: Bible Thumper

Sad. There is nothing new under the sun. Just take responsibility for your own actions and love one another.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Only chemicals can do this amount of damage as in the Gulf of Mexico.

COREXIT is the chemical that would kill wildlife like that:


Aug 08, 2010
mentally disturbed
by: Anonymous

lots of mentally disturbed bible thumping people here.

Aug 08, 2010
we are going through it
by: Endtime.com

"Believers rejoice in the coming Rapture, May 21, 2011. www.familyradio.org for free explanation."

Not true. Total lie.

Lets see what Jesus has to say about it.

at 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Mat 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
Mat 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Mat 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

We are not going to know the day or hour, but we do know that Immediately after the tribulation he will return. So we will go through the tribulation. Think what noah went through. He was in the boat going through the entire planet being wiped off the face of the earth by the flood. Because he was the only sincere person who gave God the time of day.

Aug 08, 2010
we are going through it
by: Endtime.com

"Believers rejoice in the coming Rapture, May 21, 2011. www.familyradio.org for free explanation."

Not true. Total lie.

Lets see what Jesus has to say about it.

at 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
Mat 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Mat 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Mat 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
Mat 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Mat 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

We are not going to know the day or hour, but we do know that Immediately after the tribulation he will return. So we will go through the tribulation. Think what noah went through. He was in the boat going through the entire planet being wiped off the face of the earth by the flood. Because he was the only sincere person who gave God the time of day.

Also we are getting redy to see the worst war the world has ever seen. Called the euphrates river war where it all started.

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
Rev 9:15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
Rev 9:16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
Rev 9:17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
Rev 9:18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
Rev 9:19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

"third part of men killed" That is one out of every three people on this planet. Over two billion people. We will go through it soon. Hope you are in the ark. If not we have a brochure called "what do you mean bron again."

Aug 08, 2010
What Is The Cause?
by: Brad Delp

I think the Tea Party Group is behind this. Such an evil bunch of mobsters they are. I had some other things I wanted to comment on, but I need a cold beer and a smoke.

Aug 08, 2010
J DEL, your theory is WRONG!
by: Anonymous

JDEL, ok I will criticize your theory! lol

You said, "A.Right now the poles are melting."

Well, you START with an untruth and then everything that follows from it is not true!

The poles are NOT melting!!!

Both poles are ADDING ice, especially the South Pole!

So sorry to destroy your theory, JDEL!

"Global Warming" is a HOAX! A SHAM! A SCAM! A LIE!!!! All of it used by politicians and radical 'environmentalists' to get power and money!!

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Must be George Bush's fault!

Aug 08, 2010
It all comes down to the weak Sun!
by: Per Strandberg

It all comes down to the current mode change of the Sun, plus the emerging La Niña pattern in the Pacific Ocean and PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) which is now negative.
The fact is that the current low level of solar activity is heavily censured by our mass media as this goes against the global warming religious propaganda propagated by the apocalyptic environmentalists and the global warming industry.

It is not due to human release of CO2.
The current pattern of the Sun is similar to that of the Dalton minimum, which if history repeat itself will cause the Earth to return to similar conditions which, occurred during the Little Ice Age. This was a cold period between 1300 and 1850. This will happen within the coming decade.
Sometime between 2020 and 2030 the river Thames in London will start the freeze over during winter, as it did during the Dalton minimum.
I have tried to study the climate and the theory of global warming objectively.
Right now the jet stream in both hemispheres is becoming more twisted and has moved closer the equator. At the same time the cosmic radiation from deep space has become more intense because the Sun’s magnetic energy which protects the Earth from these particles has weakened considerably. This causes more cloud formations and heavier rainfall.
The global warming (tabloid) scientists are using the heat from the resent La Niño event and the more extreme weather events which is caused by the weak solar activity as a proof of global warming, claiming 2010 will be the hottest year on record. This is made when just half of the year has passed.
However they are all well aware that now with the new and emerging strong La Niña the temperature will rapidly plunge during the coming 12 to 18 months to levels which has not been seen for a very long, long time.
You just wait a year and you’ll see!

Aug 08, 2010
by: Carlos Amigo

Get over it, the fish life will come back and probably be better than ever. As for Global Warming, get a life. Mankind hasn't see what heat can really be like nor what the cold can be like. Go back and look at the Geologic Past, then you'll get an idea of what terrible conditions really are, conditions that lasted 100's of thousands of years at a time. Like some of the writers who have responed have said, what else is dumped into these rivers and estuaries.

This is not a problem caused by God. It is part of a cycle that the earth goes through from time to time. It could be due to the high concentration of algae in the rivers and estuaries which have depleted the oxygen. It can amd probably is, a number of different things that have come together to cause this massive fish kill. In fifty years it will be a faded memory.

Aug 08, 2010
This is wrong

Ice age is coming http://bestgreensandiego.wordpress.com/wp-admin/index.php?page=stats

Aug 08, 2010
This is GLOBAL WARMING ! My freind!!
by: J.DEL.

You are looking at Global warming.
Yes that's right!!!
Global Warming.Does not happen overnight.Stop and think.
A.Right now the poles are melting.B.The cold melting water goes into the atmosphere C.These
cold water vapors,rain into the mountain tops D.This brings colder weather into our winters.(remember last winter how colder it was?)
also adds a larger amount of water than normal into the mountain tops E.During the summer that same ice will now melt and come down our rivers leading to flooding (look at china) .
The other side of the coin is Russia. The tilt of our planet is bringing Russians summer into what we think of in terms of Global warming. For the next few years that's the out look until the poles melt completely THEN is non stop heat.....Then is too late..
(This is my own theory) Please fell free to criticize it make fun of it etc...

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

This is what the new world government plans to do. Read it and decide for yourself.


Aug 08, 2010
This is normal!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Patrick Walsh

Things happen in cycles. The cycles extend a lot farther than RECORDED history. Dahhhhhhh.......

Aug 08, 2010
Alligators are a South American species
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Russian drowned were dead drunk. Drunk people get drowned even in cold countries.

Bolivian alligators are in the group of South American crocodiles, as alligators in Florida. They are called "Caimanes", and there are other species called ""yacaré" in Spanish speaking countries and "jacaré" in Brazil. African crocodiles are bigger and longer, but with jaws not as wide as "Caimanes". Get better information next time.

Aug 08, 2010
So much for global warming
by: Gnat

Humans drowning in Russian rivers to cool off, fish dying in SA from the cold. Good old mother nature balancing out the temps.

Aug 08, 2010
End Times Disasters
by: Anonymous

This is just another sign of impending doom for scoffing unbelivers.

Believers rejoice in the coming Rapture, May 21, 2011. www.familyradio.org for free explanation.

Aug 08, 2010
The truth.
by: Anonymous

The fish were all killed by the Chupacabra Policia.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

There are no alligators indigenous to Boliva.... crocodiles yes, alligators no.... lame reporting

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

I am disheartened to hear about this. Regardless of why, the pain and loss are real, and people suffer. I am so sorry. More and more the world is becoming such a sad place, with so many tragedies happening everywhere- everyday. The suffering, anger, fear is palpable. I know 95% of you will laugh and mock what I am about to write. It's okay :o), this is for the 5% who might want to pursue a Biblical answer as to why these things are happening.

Go to www.unleavenedbreadministries.org and look for the Unleavened Bread Publishing link in the left column. Order or download "Sovereign God For Us and Through Us" and Hidden Manna for the End Times [these will really help explain what is happening today] Some of the books are available in Spanish. EVERYTHING IS FREE!
GOD IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING...he created everything knowing the beginning and the end. It's us who are in the dark! Maybe this info will turn on a light for you. It did for me. May God's free gift of grace be given to us all. If you're in the 5% that might be interested, PLEASE GET THE BOOKS.

Aug 08, 2010
You Global Warming Liars need some HONESTY management ;-)
by: Anonymous

I don't see anyone angry around here other than global warming hoaxers who have been EXPOSED in your LIES!!

Why don't you fess up?!?!

"Global Warming" is a SCAM and a LIE!!!

Aug 08, 2010
It's happened before
by: Anonymous

Everything with weather is cyclical. Nobody has proof that this hasn't happened before. Sure, it may have not happened in recorded history, but I'm sure they've had this cold sometime in past history. It's too bad, but it's also mother natures way of reducing the population.

Aug 08, 2010
The average is what counts
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Most of Bolivia lies in elevations around 400 meters above sea level, from the Andes foothils to the east towards Brazil. But the fact remains that the average temperatures in Bolivia, taking into account the high Andean plaetau, shows that Bolivia has been cooling at the same rate that Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile have been cooling.

It is the entire Southern Hemisphere that's cooling and that's shown in SST (sea surface temperatures)that began to cool down in 2003 as the 3000 buoys in the Argo project have revealed. The SH is about 90% ocean, hence the SH cooling. Previous ice ages show that it is the SH who start cooling first, while the NH keeps warming during a brief period.

Increasing Antarctic sea ice is breaking records, while ice volume on land keeps steadily growing while temperatures have been falling since 35 years ago.

Today's Arctic ice extension is increasing and the melt season hasn't finished! Please take a look at toda's extent: http://arctic-roos.org/observations/satellite-data/sea-ice/ice-area-and-extent-in-arctic, while Arctic temperatures have remained during the ENTIRE summer WAY BELOW the average 1958-2010, barely above the freezing point.


Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

You Freepers need some anger management.

Aug 08, 2010
About Bolivia
by: Anonymous

To Tom who said Missing Bolivian thermometers... etc.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to call Bolivia an Andean country or a highland country. Less than 1/3 is in the Andes and over 2/3 of the country is tropical and forested, with some dry forest and desert areas in the Chaco area near Paraguay. Most of this area is of very low elevation and pretty flat.

Aug 08, 2010
Cold water fish kill
by: Mike S

....All Bush's fault..Plain & simple

Aug 08, 2010
Realist, you are one of the scam artists
by: Anonymous

Realist, you said, "A, you've been played. Think about it, you know there has been warming to end an Ice Age yet here you are saying there is no warming. "

Show me where I ever said that there has been 'no warming'. I never said it! That is yet ONE MORE LIE from your global warming liars!

There HAS been warming. MANY times before now as well. I will take you to the foot of glaciers and show where they have melted back since the 1800s. PROOF that it has warmed in that area and that glacier. So don't tell me that I have said there is "no warming". If you are going to LIE, keep the lies in your own mouth....don't try to put the lies in MY mouth!

THE LIE that you and other scam artists are trying to "play" everyone with is that it is MAN MADE global warming! It is a SCAM! It is a LIE. And unfortunately YOU have been willing to be in league with the dishonest LIARS!

YOU are 'being played', unreal REALIST!!!

Aug 08, 2010
by: Ricardo

Muslim Obama is pressuring Israel to make peace with the Arabs.
The Jewish God don't want a Palestinian State in the Land of Israel.
Hence God is crushing the USA on a daily basis:
a.- almost 100 million Americans are unemployed
b.- Blacks have declared Race war on American Whites
c.- Mexicans want to take 4 states back to Mexico
d.- Most White women have marrying Blacks and producing Mulatto bastard children, hated by God.
e.- America's prestige is falling
f.- North Korea attacked the Oil Rig in the gulf
g.- North Korea will launch a nuclear attack says Fidel Castro, before Nov elections.

As you can see the CURSE is real.
You Curse Israel and your money will fly to Jewish Pockets, like mine hahahahaha

Aug 08, 2010
It is the Sun, not CO2
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

To Realist:

There is a concatenation of factors affecting climate and other things, including the Van Allen belt. The good old ionosphere (now being called thermosphere for political reasons), has a direct and clear influence from cosmic rays, and cosmic rays are overwhelmingly controlled by the solar wind. In turn, solar wind is the result of solar magnetic activity. ie.: sunspots. Sunspots are the result of internal activity in the sun’s core, and that is related to the speed of the sun core’s turning which in turn is affected by the position of the different masses (planets) in the solar system. This is called the “barycenter”, or “center of masses”, where the gravitational forces are balanced.

Sometimes the barycenter is located inside the sun diameter, and other times can be up to 500.000 km from its surface. The changing pattern of the path the barycenter is making (according to the planets position in space) makes “chaotic” or “regular, harmonic” patterns. Historical records show that when the barycenter is in a “chaotic” pattern, temperatures in Earth are COLD. The contrary is also true. As movements of planets and the barycenter position can be mathematically calculated in the past for millions of years, and into the future in the same amount, comparing those patterns with historical records and proxys from different sources (tree rings, stomata, geological strata, different element isotopes, etc), a close and very accurate correlation can be seen between temperatures in Earth and solar behavior induced by forces driven by cosmic influences (increase and decrease of galactic cosmic rays, arriving and waning of Jovian cycles, barycenter position. etc).

There is an overwhelming consensus among astronomers and astrophysicists about this matter that is in direct opposition to the so called “consensus” among climate scientists. That’s’ one reason why in the IPCC reports you’ll find only a few astronomers or astrophysicists mentioned, as NASA’s David Hathaway and Dikpati, while ignoring completely astronomers as Stevenson, Penn, Archibald, Kininmonth, Soon, Baliunas, and many others.

And yes, we WERE in a short period of global warming. However, this period is included in a longer succession of cooling and warming cycles modulated by different cycles of different length. The 20th Century has seen 4 warming and 4 cooling periods, with plateaus between them (at the top and the bottom of the sinusoidal curves). Earth is now ending its plateau of 15 years (on the top of the warming cycle) and beginning a descent to a cooling period of about 55 to 70 years, DEPENDING on what happens with the next predicted Double Solar Minimum, (the former Gleissberg, now changed to Landscheidt Minimum) occurring at around 2020-2025. If predictions are right, and the minimums are weak, the cooling will last between 35 to 50 years; but if the minimums are strong the cooling period can last up to 100 years.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Ricardo

by: frost@nabuma.com

You must tell the Bolivian President to immediately quit attacking Israel and cooperating with enemies of Israel.
This fish die out is proof the Jewish God is angry with Bolivia and its President.

Peru learned its lesson and now that is friendly and buying from Israel prosperity has returned to Peru. All is well.
In the Bible there are 3 passages that say:
"Those who curse my people shall remain cursed, Those who bless Israel shall be Blessed".
El Dios Judio esta molesto con Bolivia y su presidente.
El Presidente esta constantemente atacando a Israel y la maldicion judia le ha caido a Bolivia.
Diganle que deje de atacar a Israel o el Dios Judio destruira Bolivia entera.

Aug 08, 2010
Missing Bolivian thermometers
by: Tom

A further irony to this story besides that of 'global warming' freezing Bolivian aquaculture to death is that NOAA and GISS stopped using the data from Bolivian weather stations in the 1990s.

For the past 20 years to crank out their "this is the hottest year in recorded history" fraudulent-statistics lie they've ignored the real life data from Bolivian weather station thermometers to extrapolate Bolivian temperatures (that are colder, coming from a land-locked higher-altitude country) from the nearest other South American weather stations even if these are from the Amazon area or beaches.

According to NOAA Bolivia is getting hotter not colder. Do any Bolivians believe that after the winters of the past few years?

Aug 08, 2010
Al Gore won the popular vote
by: Anonymous

Warmer Hoax
by: Anonymous
algore is simply angry that the people rejected him as being too stupid to be President, and he has come up with a plan for revenge.

I guess you forgot that Al Gore won the popular vote. I don't how you could forget.If you lived in a factual realty you might be less angry.

Aug 08, 2010
The warming never ended
by: Realist

YOU are DISHONEST "Real Talk"
by: Anonymous
"RealTalk, I stand by my comments. Global warming extremists are the ones who are dishonest and uncaring.
YES!!! EVERYONE can "deny the facts that global warming is a real situation the world is facing."
They are not 'facts'!! They are MADE UP political arguments! Even the leading 'scientists' destroyed data and emails that proved they were wrong. They said, "It is unfortunate that we are not able to explain the current cooling". The whole movement is DISHONEST to the core! "
Your right A, we are still in a period of warming that ended the last Ice Age. The question is: if adding an excess of gases to the atmosphere will we speed up the process of warming in such a way that we will not be able to adapt as we have since the last Ice Age ended. A, you've been played. Think about it, you know there has been warming to end an Ice Age yet here you are saying there is no warming. The question has always been about man adding to the intensity of the effect and not the cause of the effect itself. A subtle difference but one I think you can appreciate.

Aug 08, 2010
updates on the death of fish and wildlife in bolivia
by: BoliviaBella

For those of you who are interested in knowing more about the region of Bolivia where this is happening, it's in Eastern Bolivia in the departments of Santa Cruz and Beni.

The areas of Bolivia affected by the drought, as mentioned by a person below, where hundreds of head of cattle died, are mostly Santa Cruz and

For those of you interested in learning more about Bolivia read our Facts about Bolivia section.

For automatic updates on this and other news stories, please subscribe to BoliviaBella.com Blog or follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We'll run more information on it when we have news.

Aug 08, 2010
Warmer Hoax
by: Anonymous

Those that have been fished in by the Warmer hoax need to get a grasp on reality. There is nothing humans do that changes the temperature of the planet in any possible way. The sun is the sole factor, and there is no thermostat, sorry, not even in algore's mansions.

algore is simply angry that the people rejected him as being too stupid to be President, and he has come up with a plan for revenge.

There is an ice age on it's way, and you may want to save your rhetoric for when it get's really cold.

Aug 08, 2010
YOU are DISHONEST "Real Talk"
by: Anonymous

RealTalk, I stand by my comments. Global warming extremists are the ones who are dishonest and uncaring.

You will trump up phony science as an excuse to take people's money through taxation! That is DISHONEST and UNCARING!

YES!!! EVERYONE can "deny the facts that global warming is a real situation the world is facing."

They are not 'facts'!! They are MADE UP political arguments! Even the leading 'scientists' destroyed data and emails that proved they were wrong. They said, "It is unfortunate that we are not able to explain the current cooling". The whole movement is DISHONEST to the core!

Since you are so smart, YOU tell US what caused the warming 10,000 years ago that ended the LAST ice age! And the one before that! And the one before that! When you can tell us what caused THAT 'global warming', maybe we will think you have half a clue!

SO I repeat my charge and make it personal...YOU are DISHONEST and UNCARING!! ;-)

Aug 08, 2010
Real Talk
by: Anonymous

Calm down there bud. "Global warming people are uncaring and dishonest" What are you talking about???
How can anyone deny the facts that global warming is a real situation the world is facing. Your argument is weather, and weather changes, correct. It changes to a certain degree, but not catastrophic like we see in this article. Its really hard to look at all the pollution and lack of care for keeping this planet in livable order, and not think that people are changing the world we live in.
Its just really sad to see that the big oil companies have gotten to you with their anti global warming advertisements, stating that this is only a theory. Ask any scientist who isn't on the oil pay roll and they will tell you global warming is a real threat.

Aug 08, 2010
To Eduardo
by: Relist

I'm not referring to nuclear weapons testing in general. I'm referring to the creation of a new Van Allen Belt around the earth. The testing altered the relationship of the earth and the sun. Is that not global enough for you?

There is no doubt we are in a period of global warming. That is why the glaciers have receded. This is a fact. The problem of global warming for humans has more to do with the production of food than the possible flooding of coastal cities. Even slight changes in temperature can cause drought and flood, wiping out food supplies and causing famine and political destabilization and mass migration. Those that would deny the possibility will not be prepared for the the logistics of survival. You will not find a military in the world who is not preparing for the possibility of the effects of global warming.

Aug 08, 2010
Climate Change is Real
by: Duude

For years now people have been proselytizing the global warming hypothesis from the media-provided pulpit. The fear they were attempting to create was that excess carbon accumulation in the atmosphere was going to cause a rise in ocean levels and would swamp the coasts worldwide. Unfortunately, the Earth was right thereafter entering into what has now turned out to be a 10 year cooling period. Scientists that track the history of solar flare ups will tell you the sun has seen a low level of flare ups over the same period and that it is the reason for the overall cooling that occurred over that span. Nevertheless, the global warmers took action to stem the fallout of believers. They changed their hysteria from global warming to climate change and even use it today to explain such abnormal weather as what has happened in Argentina, Bolivia, Russia, the East coast of the US, and southern California. To be sure, some of these abnormal weather readings have broken long-held records. San Diego had the coolest July since 1933. But the problem with the climate change argument is that even in the case of San Diego, what caused the cool July in 1933? Could we use the carbon emission excuse for July of 1933 too? The facts are we have always had climate change such as what we're experiencing now, and even before the industrial age. Its nothing to do with carbon emissions, its entirely a natural phenomena. The idea that man can create change in the climate is one of the most ridiculous, idiocies of this new century. Fortunately, many scientists are now turning back their previous support of this movement as contrary evidence reveals.

Aug 08, 2010

Just about the time a group of selfstyled experts decides they have the earth all figured out and tell us all how they are going to run it, Ol' Ma nature sez up yours and flips them the middle digit just to spite these arrogant little pundits of pseudo science.....we humans have a long way to go and we had better learn how to bend.

Aug 08, 2010
Global Warming LIARS
by: Anonymous

SoSadForBolivia, ALL of us support you and are concerned about what is happening.

I won't speak for anyone else but my point is that the global warming crowd are the ones who are so unbelievably dishonest and uncaring. They would use the cold in Bolivia to claim that it is more proof of global warming and that YOU have to pay MORE TAXES on top of what you are suffering already to take care of their POLITICAL agenda! The global warming crowd is the uncaring, unsympathetic bunch who would blame YOU for all of this.

And you said something very telling that the global warming crowd ought to answer for you. You said, "it was the coldest spell this country has had in over 47 years. "


This happens! It is called WEATHER! 47 years ago is when this same dishonest bunch was claiming that we were going into a new ICE AGE!! NOW they are claiming that it is proof that the "earth has a fever"!!!!!

Blame the global warming LIARS, not everyone else! All the rest of us care and we feel your pain!!!

May you come through this with the least pain.

Aug 08, 2010
Global Warming Lies
by: Anonymous

Welcome to the scam called Global Warming. You've been PUNKED, Bitches.

Aug 08, 2010
this is not a lighthearted subject
by: So sad for Bolivia

For several weeks prior to the extreme cold that we experienced here in Bolivia portions of Eastern Bolivia and Southern Bolivia experienced a major drought which left hundreds of cattle and other livestock dead and entire communities without food and water. The remaining cattle were already weakened from hunger and thirst and the cold spell killed a large number of them too.

Yes, cold spells are not uncommon in Bolivia where we are currently in winter. But it was the coldest spell this country has had in over 47 years.

It's very sad for our rivers and the inhabitants of the river communities who depend of the water for drinking and on fishing for their livelihoods. It's sad to see the effects it is having on Bolivia's beautiful wildlife, and it's sad for the communities that survive (barely) from their fishing and cattle ranching.

But sadder still to see allegedly educated people mocking what has happened or suggesting that it was caused by something other than the cold.

Stereotyping Bolivia as a chemical dumping cocaine producing country with nothing else to offer the world is truly a sign of UNBELIEVABLE ignorance from so-called "superior" foreigners.

Aug 08, 2010
Cheers to Eduardo from Bolivia!
by: Anonymous

Thanks for Slaying the ignorant/propagandized 'Old Dragon', such blatant and foolish disinformation is unhealthy for a civilized society. If we let the unholy alliance of special interests and gov't hijack science and replace it with emotion and behaviour affecting junk science we will in effect be submitting to their control and lose individual freedom to the collective and their pseudo science spin machines - that are clearly designed to control and profit off the unwashed masses, through their disinformation campaigns. The masters of AGW and other such scams are no different than imperial rulers of the past, they just figure having taken control of the media, education and politicians they can now control and plunder the hapless sheeple through false science and scare tactics instead of using brute force, dungeons and threatening villagers w/killing raids or old dumba$$ dragons.

Aug 08, 2010
Back to Normal
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Realist, yes, I know all about nuclear testings. Here you can check: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_testing

Weather patterns were modified for a brief period, not in a global scale. But now nuclear test are gone (save by North Korea and possibly by Iran in the future). Man activities can change local and sometimes regional weather and climatic patterns, and many times they have improved them. Dams and irrigation have converted arid regions into oasis of development and well being. Ask Israel and some African countries about it. Other human interventions as around the Aral sea has been negative -but always on local or regional extent.

That's what scientists and experts are trying to do in order to avoid wrong practices and encourage better behaviors with agriculture practices, the factor that has modified the most our climatic conditions in the world. But most times for the better.

We humans learn from our mistakes. If that was not the case, we had have disappeared long ago.

Aug 08, 2010
reply to Eduardo
by: Realist

"We are a mere speck, a tiny flea on an elephant’s back that think it can disturb the elephant. Wake up to reality, man!"

Your right that we are fleas. That's the good news and the bad news. If you don't think we can effect earth changes, check out the high altitude atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the 1950's by the US and Russia.

Aug 08, 2010
Temperature extremes in South America are not new...
by: Anonymous

These extremes are not new. However, there were no records made of earlier excursions. If one looks at ice cores, tree rings, sediments, and such...The cold weather happens again and again...

Aug 08, 2010
Mother Earth
by: Anonymous

I thought Algore said "Mother Earth has a fever." Anyone who has paid any attention to the fraud perpetrated by the University of East Anglia in Britain knows that Global Warming, Man Made Climate Change, whatever you want to call it, is a fraud. The "scientists" who promoted the BS used student term papers as their facts, didn't keep their supporting data, and refused to share their informatioon with REAL scientists. I say this because REAL scientists don't do what they did. REAL scientists never get rid of their supporting data. We still have data from experiments by Leonardo DaVinci, Einstein and many others. Data is never thrown out, ever. That data is shared with others so they can revue the datas, critique it and try the same experiments themselvbves. REAL Scientist do not hide anything. And above all science is not proven by consensus. It is proven by hard fact, experimentation and sharing with others to do the same experitments so they can see if they can come up with the same facts and results. And if they casnnot come up with the same results as the one promoting the hypothesis those REAL scientistsare never called "Global Warming Deniers."

Aug 08, 2010
Mother Earth
by: Anonymous

I thought Algore said "Mother Earth has a fever." Anyone who has paid any attention to the fraud perpetrated by the University of East Anglia in Britain knows that Global Warming, Man Made Climate Change, whatever you want to call it, is a fraud. The "scientists" who promoted the BS used student term papers as their facts, didn't keep their supporting data, and refused to share their informatioon with REAL scientists. I say this because REAL scientists don't do what they did. REAL scientists never get rid of their supporting data. We still have data from experiments by Leonardo DaVinci, Einstein and many others. Data is never thrown out, ever. That data is shared with others so they can revue the datas, critique it and try the same experiments themselvbves. REAL Scientist do not hide anything. And above all science is not proven by consensus. It is proven by hard fact, experimentation and sharing with others to do the same experitments so they can see if they can come up with the same facts and results. And if they casnnot come up with the same results as the one promoting the hypothesis those REAL scientistsare never called "Global Warming Deniers."

Aug 08, 2010
Three rivers
by: Anonymous

The only other report I can find on this says it happened in only three rivers. There should be reports of animal deaths in the forest as well.
This is starting to sound bogus. BTW, global warming isn't about the earth getting too hot, it's about changes in the weather caused by the ocean currents.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Seeing big alligators and turtles dead...nah and no. Do you know how long the temperature must stay dropped to cool the water? Something else is in play here...smells of man-made...if it is an act of God...the Bolivians know to pray, repent and make reparation...so much evil and its acts are being condone worldwide eg abortion, homosexuality, occult, culture of death...

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Seeing big azz alligators and turtles dead...nah and no. Do you know how long the temperature must stay dropped to cool the water? Something else is in play here...smells of man-made...if it is an act of God...the Bolivians know to pray, repent and make reparation...so much evil and its acts are being condone worldwide eg abortion, homosexuality, occult, culture of death...

Aug 08, 2010
To: Old_Dragon, the Doomster
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Your comment couldn’t be more wrong on all accounts! You analogy of Earth’s atmosphere to an engine is completely wrong. Engines lack feedbacks as our climatic system has. Engines do not build clouds, don’t have oceans with oscillating patterns, they are not affected by the moon’s influence, and thousand more factors.

Second, even in case we accept you analogy, presently the sun is sending Earth much less energy (or fuel) to our planet. The present Solar Cycle 24 is unusually weak and the solar minimum between solar cycle 23 and 24 has been one of the longest and lowest on record, comparable to the Dalton Minimum and close the Maunder Minimum that triggered the Little Ice Age of 1400-1835. You say that more “fuel” (heat) will heat regions on summer and cool regions on winters. This is nonsense: if heat can produce cooler conditions just try to cool your beer in your kitchen oven! (Kids, don’t try this in your homes!!)

Third: your example of Venus is an old and debunked myth. Venus atmosphere is not just 95% CO2, but is mostly sulfuric acid, and above all it is 90 DENSER than Earth’s atmosphere. It is the weight of that atmosphere and the terrible pressure on the surface that causes the high temperature –besides of being much closer to the Sun than Earth is. It is clear that you know very little about Venus: its temperature at 5000 m is about 458ºC (What is 500% in you post?)

Our present hurricane season is one of the lowest in record, and the trend to decreasing hurricanes and tornadoes is clear and evident. Check with specialized institutions and universities as Ryan Maues’s Florida University website: http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/~maue/tropical/climo.php
Great Depression ! Global tropical cyclone energy near 30-year lows ! - Figure: 12-month running sums of Accumulated Cyclone Energy for the entire globe during the past 31-years -- 1979 to November 30, 2009

So “scientists around the globe will NOT concede that YOU are correct in YOUR Theory. The planet Earth (it should be called Planet Ocean!) has gone through much bigger problems than mankind can ever impose on it –and has managed to adjust to our present condition. Catastrophist love their hand wringing and moaning about Earth’s future. Your ilk has been prophesying Doom for more than 50 years, and not even one single prophesy has come near to be accurate. We are a mere speck, a tiny flea on an elephant’s back that think it can disturb the elephant. Wake up to reality, man!

Instruct yourself on climate science: http://www.wattsupwiththat.com/

Aug 08, 2010
by: CarbonBigFootPrint

"where it is winter the weather will be harsher more cold more snow massive kills. Where it is Summer more heat drought more tornados and violent weather of all types."

Bah, ha.

You're "Grasping" at straws.

The only thing wrong with your logic is... all of it.

1. Bolivia is supposed to be WARM, like Southern Mexico, but its very COLD, enough to kill.

2. San Diego is supposed to be WARM, but it had record COLD this summer.

3. The North east USA is supposed to be very WARM, but it snowed in July in the mountains, i.e. COLD.

4. In case you still live with the rest of the dead, global warming is a scam, to which the proposed solution is yet another tax upon stupid tax slaves. (all while 90% of humanity is swiftly terminated with "diet, injections, and injunctions") Research, cause some else already did. Google, or die like an ignorant farm animal who trusts her master.

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- Club of Rome

Aug 08, 2010
Did Someone
by: SillyGoose

Say FISH FRY !! Oh no swim walk>

Aug 08, 2010
Grapsing Global Warming a Primer Lesson
by: Old_Dragon

Many People in the world including Scientists have a hard time Grasping the concept of global warming, of more correctly Global Climate "Change" .This is why many Point to your resent harsh cold waether ae sure proof that "Global Warming is a Hoax". They could not be more incorrect to assume that.

To get a accurate understanding is simple. First you must See our planet as a huge solar powered engine with solar heat being the fuel that drives the engine. As you increase the fuel supply the engine will begin to race. The our case as the planet gets more Fuel (solar heat) the harsh weather around the globe will steadily increase. where it is winter the weather will be harsher more cold more snow massive kills. Where it is Summer more heat drought more tornados and violent weather of all types.

If you notice the current weather patterns are following this weather model exactly. this trend will steadly worsen over the next decade and Scientists around the globe will concede that I am correct in this Theory. I Hope be for we have past the point of no return.

You need only to point to out sister Planet Venus to see the possible results of global warming left unchecked. Venus is only 50% degrees warmer that earth. it has violent storms 800 miles wide with winds over 600 mph !!! NOT FIT FOR HUMAN LIFE!!! ...

The planet can recycle it self in 200 yr left undisturbed by industrial activity .notice how quickly it can recover from a volcano of oil spill. but man munt help nature clean up or face Extinction , though the planet will live on.

What you are experiencing now is nothing compared to what will happen soon world wide, if nothing is done.....

Aug 08, 2010
7,8k lambs died in Brazil South
by: Anonymous

Yes... the last cold wave killed about 7,800 lambs in south of Brazil... They are preparing the world for the warming, but the world is became cool. They are criminous because peoples die by cold e not by warming.

Aug 08, 2010
Critical Information
by: Senior Advisor

Clearly, the global warming "climate change" has affected the jungles, and its our own fault.

The ONLY way to solve this problem is for everyone on the planet to pay carbon taxes to bankers. Only the bankers can save us from certain doom.

Learn how to support the bankers by reading this...

WHAT IS TAXED dott comm

Aug 08, 2010
by: Iconoclast

This will have tragic results for the common people of Bolivia who already have it harder than most of us in the Western Northern Hemisphere.

@ Bologna - if you should see this, curse your biology teacher. Even a fool liberal should come away from that course understanding "cold-blooded" critters lack the ability to adjust to temperature changes, so temperatures grossly outside those to which they've adapted through evolution will kill them. Even warm-blooded species such as these river dolphin can be affected, although they are inherently more adaptable to environmental fluctuations.

The prolonged and record cold events below the Equator are simply more data points to debunk the AGW scam.

Aug 08, 2010
We Must Act Quickly
by: MyWord

We have to increase the CO2 content of the Earth's atmosphere without delay! Buy more SUVs, burn more coal, eat more beef, take more private jet airplane trips, anything to warm Bolivia so they won't lose anymore animals to the cold. This is serious folks. Now give me a Nobel Peace Prize.

Aug 08, 2010
I Had No Idea
by: LandOfCotton

I hope I can remember BoliviaBella.com. Lunatic comments, great flushes of humanity ... are these people part of life? Quick, somebody strip-search their brains!

Aug 08, 2010
Does anyone at all remember...
by: Eyjafjallajökull

... a "little" volcano that erupted in Iceland a few months back, totally darkening skies and shutting down aviation for weeks. That volcano pumped untold millions of tons of ash and gasses into the atmosphere and was bound to affect the climate. This has occurred many times throughout history: Krakatoa caused starvation all across Europe in the 1800s, check it out.

But all we here is the drumbeat for more legislation, regulations and taxes to "save the earth". Is Eyjafjallajökull (the volcano) going to pay its taxes? How arrogant or vain can people be to believe they can prevent massive volcanoes from occurring?

Pretty arrogant apparently.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

Alligators and turtles are cold blooded animals. Cold would not kill these critters unless frozen solid for long periods of time. So why the big lie again?

Aug 08, 2010
conspiracy theories
by: phillip47

I dont owe anyone. I live in the great state of Alabama, USA. We still believe in less govt. pover comes from the people and financed by the free market. I have a 2nd amendment that says I have the right to carry a gun. I feel sorry for the EU and the future of the US seems to be in the hands of progressive liberals. However, come get my guns if you think you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW, communists, facists, etc.. Nancy Pelosi and her like kiss my butt!!!!!!!

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

The new generation of weaponry to end all weaponry makes whole armies and any other old weapon obsolete. This allows for the creation of "force shields" and 4-d holographic images like the moscow pyramid, the china spiral, the norway spiral etc. This was used to blow up the space shuttle challenger, california earthquake, the haiti earthquake and the christmas earthquake tsunami in indonesia. And most all weird weather for the past 40 years.This was just used to freeze the livestock and decimate the food supply in the region for the coming food crisis. This tech. also allows them to wipe the minds of whole cities or to death ray whole cities. They have created new chimaera to infect and take over the natural flora and fauna. GMO will destroy your DNA.They are sterilizing and drugging everyone with the water with fluoride and pharmaceuticals and who knows what else. And with all plastics. Chemtrails are real and they are destroying the enviorment and your health. Aspartame is poison. Your cell phone is killing you. Do Not let your kid use one its even more harmful.Your TV is a two way camera if it was made after 1992. Most laptops have built in key loggers and it uploads directly to the NSA. I really wish I wasn't telling you the truth, but I am. Look up the 13 banking families, the committee of 300,rothchilds, rockerfeller, jp morgan,Tesla coverup and his autobiography,projects "blue beam, popeye, garden plot, MKULTRA,artichoke,northwoods" for starters,the bilderburg group, the book "Tragedy and Hope" by Carrol Quigley, and the creature from jekyl island by G. Edward Griffin,the CFR,tavistock institute,trilateral commission,bank of rome, bank of england, recommendation 666, Eugenics,Stasi east germany, the history of rome before and after it fell.look up what Kennedy said and what Lincoln said right before they killed them for saying it. This will give you a good start. Or don't, I've said my peace. May God Give you wisdom and knowledge as you journey into the awakening of the real truth, which is similar to taking the red pill in "the Matrix" or putting the ray bans on in "They Live". Jesus Christ rules supreme. There is a Plan and your in i

Aug 08, 2010
by: USSAinc.

I'm sorry to live in the corporate entity known as the USA. Unfortunately, if you think you live truly free and your "country" is not a corporation also then I'm almost sorry to wake you up. If you have a centralized bank on your soil then you are owned by the banking elite. You borrow their money and make them rich. We are living in the creation and fulfillment of the Nw0. If you are in the EU your country has no meaning because your laws and constitution are trumped as stated by the 1972 European Communities Act.Which means out with ALL the OLD ways and in with the NEW way of life. NO individual freedom. Total and utter control like "1984" meets twilight zone on crack. Total Global Fascist/communist Rule. If you control the money you control the country and the people in it. If you control the food supply you control the will of the people and their mortal lives.So now we are witnessing Manufactured economic blackmail and destruction on a biblical level. If you don't know how Fractional reserve lending banking works and how it creates the slave to the grave condition then read up and watch "money masters". If you don't know about weather warfare weapons and mind control weapons read up. t.

Aug 08, 2010
Less vnoem, more thought
by: Putnam

to Soul Leister,
Actually, it is not clear at all. There are very rational reasons why changes in atmosphere can have various effects on climate. What is clear is that you have selected conclusions that fit your greed, and then identify "rationales" that are conveninet for you.

Aug 08, 2010
Bolivian Ecological Disaster conflicts with UN Party line
by: Soul Leister

Nobel (man-made global warming hoax) Prize winner AL GORE and his like minded pals at the UN insist the world is heating up at an alarming rate... any colder than "normal" weather is inconvenient at best... in their group think mind, it cannot possibly be true unless one believes global warming magically causes regional cooling in isolated and remote/insignificant micro regions (like the southern hemisphere)... clearly the man-made global warming deniers are just making up or exhaggerating claims of unseasonable cooling to disrupt the UN's world wide tax scheme (to seperate rubes from their money).

Aug 08, 2010
record cold grips southern hemisphere
by: Anonymous

Sad to see this for my Bolivian friends to the South. You are not alone.

Severe record cold has gripped the entire Southern Hemisphere with cold causing mass fish and animal kills in Chile, and more than 400 people reported so far already dying in Peru from the cold. Record snows in South Africa this year, record cold in Australia, and the Antarctic has had 3 years of record cold/ice packs on the Eastern shelf - by far the largest part of the continent.

Doesn't look good for the global warming people who do not care about you. They only care about white marxists above the equator. Good luck Bolivia, God bless you, and may the sun soon shine again on you and don't worry about running your cars anymore -- CO2 is normal for all life and makes the plants grow.

Aug 08, 2010
record cold grips southern hemisphere
by: Anonymous

Sad to see this for my Bolivian friends to the South. You are not alone.

Severe record cold has gripped the entire Southern Hemisphere with cold causing mass fish and animal kills in Chile, and more than 400 people reported so far already dying in Peru from the cold. Record snows in South Africa this year, record cold in Australia, and the Antarctic has had 3 years of record cold/ice packs on the Eastern shelf - by far the largest part of the continent.

Doesn't look good for the global warming people who do not care about you. They only care about white marxists above the equator. Good luck Bolivia, God bless you, and may the sun soon shine again on you and don't worry about running your cars anymore -- CO2 is normal for all life and makes the plants grow.

Aug 08, 2010
by: GeeZeuss

Reading these comments sure reinforce my choice of leaving the US of fallen empire.
What a bunch of idiots.

Aug 08, 2010
To: Inconsiderate
by: Anonymous

So you don't like jokes about a climate situation we can do nothing about? And, (rightfully so), you should care about the poor folks of Bolivia (of which there are plenty), but do you know where most of them work? In the coca fields! And do you know what most of that coca which they produce becomes? Cocaine!! How many lives are being destroyed by that? Both in Bolivia and the rest of the world.
The president of Bolivia (Evo Morales) "just happens" to also be president of six federations of coca producers in Bolivia. Did you care to even know about any of the REAL SUBSERVIANT PAIN of Bolivia's poor before you posted your heart warming care? Did you give a fig about them before you heardd anout these fish? If you really care about how to make a difference in their lives, don't hope the devastating weather changes that will disrupt their minimal aquaculture wealth from these rivers... hope the corrupt political emphasis on "slave like" coca agriculture does to them. Trouble is... The climate effects on them via the agriculture "crop" is going to be vastly more disastrous than the aquacultural one described here, but they can't report on that. It would get them little "consideration" from the naive.

Aug 08, 2010
It was the polar wave!
by: Eduardo, from Bolivia

Sorry folks, it was not pollution who caused the fish deaths. It was the extreme cold that brought temperatures down in the rivers to 9ºC, about 10ºC below normal. See the technicians of a fish farm telling that their fish died because of the cold:

The event exploded simultaneously in all rivers in the tropical region, from Tarija in the south to Beni department in the north, as the cold wave was proceeding. Bolivia has not polluted rivers because it has no industries in sufficient number to pollute ALL rivers simultaneously!!

Aug 08, 2010
this news story is from chilean news
by: Anonymous

This is a news story and video posted on 5 August 2010 by a Chilean news station.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

There must be hundreds of people without water to drink and lots of fishing families who have lost their livelihoods because of this.

Those of you making jokes about a situation like this ought to get some psychological help.

Aug 08, 2010
Clearly the answer is....
by: Anonymous

Have that HOT anchor desk journalist in the video sit in the river. Phew!! She makes me want to move to Bolivia!!!!!!

Aug 08, 2010
video not pics
by: Anonymous

Wes, did you watch the news report in the video above? Your link says absolutely nothing about prior fish deaths. It's just someone's tropical fishing blog.

Aug 08, 2010
most pics are not from 2010
by: wes

I have been looking around the web at many Bolivian websites that claim millions of fish are dead and then pictures are provided.

It seems many of the pics come from an event that occured in 2007 where a large amount of polution killed a lot of fish in a lake.

And many more pics come from a website that shows many areas with tons of fish (2009), but the pics are used to state the exact opposiite.


Aug 07, 2010
Nows A Great Time To Travel There!
by: Back Packer Dude

If you ever wanted to check out Bolivia, now is a great time! Great hotel deals are there now and lots of specials in the food stalls, great time to travel there!

Aug 07, 2010
by: Stuart

Shame about the pathetic waster comments you are getting. Thanks for the info , i had no idea this had happened. Hopefully the rivers will recover soon.

Aug 07, 2010
O Bolivia
by: Anonymous

O Bolivia, ye hath brought the wrath of the Big Fat Al! Repent and sacrafice. Return to the jungle, give up fossil fuels, electricity and modern living, lick frogs and eat monkeys - it's the progressive way!!

Aug 07, 2010
Global Warming
by: Anonymous

So cold explains global warming. All of south america is bathed in cold and antartica is warmer (relatively).

It's not global warming but it is weather changing like it always has. Explain that away. Oh yes, and tax everyone to death and the change keeps on changing. Seems Australia is cold too. So much for warming.

Aug 07, 2010
Single events are anecdotal at best.
by: Anonymous

Extreme weather is the par for the course as the planet shifts into a new "norm." At this point, let the anti-climate change crowed eat dead fish.

Ask Putin how his climate induced "prosperity" is working out for him as peat spontaneously ignites and crops wither in record breaking heat and drought.

Single events do not make weather.

But honestly , self induced Zero Population Growth is one of the best "ideas" to come from the Right in a long time.

Aug 07, 2010
by: BoliviaBella

In response to Anonymous "Who wrote this article and where is the citation and links to verify the claims?"

You'll find 5,560 articles about this disaster here.

Aug 07, 2010
anonymous morons
by: Dan

Anonymous, and there are many of you: Have any of you considered psychiatric treatment?. I know of a battery of Austrian Psychiatrists who may take shot at helping you. As an alternative double up on your dosage of prozac. Better yet switch to thorazine!!! What a pack of pathetic whackadoos.

Aug 07, 2010
by: porcorosso

There is no oil. There is no crisis Obombo Odingo can use to further his marxist agenda! Say it aint so Bolivia

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

Wakeup Bolivians! You've turned away from God and chose to follow the gods of europe and america. If you think our lives are better here, think again. We are more advanced and look what it has gotten us. Evil Corporate Scientists, backed by Gov't opportunists genetically modifying natural seeds and crops. Our food and water are poisoned with chemicals. Our land, oceans and rivers are under assault being raped and dumped with toxins by big corporations. These so called leaders want us sick with cancers so they can make money by feeding us posion under the name of medicine which aids to kill us anyway, which is their ultimate goal. You want abortion to hide what you are responsible for...the little life within the womb? The same way you arrived in this world. That's hypocracy. Is this what you want BOLIVIA??? Evil in your life? Turn back to God, the only ONE true Creator of all LIFE. Do not wait until it's too late for you too. May God have Mercy!!!

Aug 07, 2010
A Simple Solution
by: Anonymous

OK, listen up, lure Al Gore into a Hotel Room w/promise of a massage (wink wink nudge nudge) by Lady Gaga, The have Tipper and her lawyer in wait, force Al baby to instruct his Zionist buddies to point that HARRP thing at the DC Swamp when the giant gavel-wielding Pelosi & brain-dead Reid have called a special session (e.g. to screw americans out of more money and freedom) - Crank the HARRP destructo machine up, throw in some chemtrails and whala - Frozen Swamp Creatures!!! -party like it's 1776, no more Twilight Zone BS from DC on the 6 o'clock news, restore the original constitution, bring back production of the 57 Chevy - tell Castro he can't have any...

Aug 07, 2010
I Have a Solution
by: Anonymous

OK, listen up, lure Al Gore into a Hotel Room w/promise of a massage (wink wink nudge nudge) by Lady Gaga, The have Tipper and her lawyer in wait, force Al baby to instruct his Zionist buddies to point that Jews HARRPy thing at the DC Swamp when the Gavel wielding Pelosi/braindead Reid have called a special session (e.g. to screw americans out of more money and freedom) - Crank the HARRP destructo machine up, throw in some chemtrails and whala - Frozen Swamp Creatures!!! -party like it's 1776, no more Twilight Zone BS from DC on the 6 O'clock News, hire regular citizens as actual public servants to restore the original constitution, bring back production of the 57 Chevy - tell Castro he can't have any...

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

Did Bolivia legalize abortion. Has Bolivia become a Culture of Death Nation like so many others? Bolivia use to be a Catholic Nation, what happened?

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

Did Bolivia legalize abortion. Has Bolivia become a Culture of Death Nation like so many others? Bolivia use to be a Catholic Nation, what happened?

Aug 07, 2010
We have a similar problem!
by: Anonymous

We have the same rotten fish stink in the United States -- only it comes from socialist radical liberals! The PETA gang should all run down there and feed themselves to the crocs and alligators -- the poor things are starving.

BTW, Al Gore is my distant cousin -- and is considered the family idiot, eh?

Aug 07, 2010
lets have a little Diversity
by: Anonymous

95% of your comments are by this fellow anonymous. Please, in this day and age you can do better than that!

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

Who wrote this article and where is the citation and links to verify the claims?

Aug 07, 2010
Lay blame on the deserved
by: Rexford

I'm no scientist, but I do know one thing...It's Bush's fault.

Aug 07, 2010
In Any Language, Global Warming Is A Lie!
by: Anonymous

Allah Gore and Barack Hussein Muhammed-man Obama both stand to make billions on the Global carbon credit scam while the rest of the world suffers. Radical environmentalists ought to be assassinated to reduce the brain poop flooding the ruling class. It's time to throw all the "leaders" out -- from Bolivia to Venezeula to Russia to USA -- get rid of the morons stealing from the people. They all bow to the Muslims when they should be feeding the fish with their bodies.

Aug 07, 2010
Kinky finky...
by: ogottogo

Steve Johnson and George Bush did it.

Aug 07, 2010
AlGore Is An IDIOT!!!
by: Larry

Let's face it, the earth will do what it wants and man is insignificant in the whole scheme of things!

AlGore and all the other global warming/now climate change (lolol) alarmists are just IDIOTS and too full of their own self importance and ignorance!

When is the world going to come to its senses and realize that global warming is a money making scam used by Gore and "radical environmentalists" and governments and the UN that is intended to let them get into your pockets and extract as much of your money as they can.

They are playing YOU for a CHUMP!!!! And it ain't CHUMP CHANGE!!!

Aug 07, 2010
Cover up?
by: Steve Johnson

Having read some of the insane, uninformed posturing below posted mostly by posers trying to sound smart I can only say a couple of things. To the truly insane fool who blames it all on a Jewish conspiracy... get some help. You are sick in the head and should stay away from any sharp objects and all blogs. To the conspiracy theorists who say "No way did the cold do this... it must be a cover up for a toxic chemical spill..." Umm yeahhh. Let's see your credentials, professor. It's so easy to believe you are smart, all safe and sound in your room behind a keyboard, but out in the real world people physically examine their world around them and then make pronouncements on it's condition. I'll believe the Bolivian fishermen who actually LIVE THERE than some smart ass who thinks he knows something nobody else does, with absolutely NO facts to back himself up. Actually, sudden and extreme enough changes in temperature will kill most cold blooded organisms who's natural environment is in a tropical zone. Caymans, turtles, most fish and several species of fresh water dolphins are cold blooded and therefore very susceptible to shock, the kind of shock of having to survive in water much colder than they were meant to. The point made earlier about no tropical fish in the Arctic is well taken. If an environment changes suddenly, it will kill off the species that cannot adapt fast enough. How do you all like global cooling? Global warming is far preferable, even desirable.

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

J. W. has it right! But what's the about bombing the dark side of the moon?

Aug 07, 2010
Universe upheaval
by: J.W.

The scientific experts and the elite of the world know perfectly well what's going on and it's not just here on earth, the entire universe is going through a dramatic change! Why do you suppose Gates and company have that underground seed vault to keep from global destruction the seeds needed if any people survive the catyclisim? Why do you suppose they bombed the dark side of the moon recently? Do you know what H.A.R.R.P is? Is the Cern/Haldron collider meant to save us or is some of the strange weather events and earthquakes actual caused by these man made machines/experiments? What is occuring has occured in the past and has been prophetically talked about in many Holy books throughout the world. Go to the Bilble as your best source of info. May God help us all!

Aug 07, 2010
Ecological Disaster
by: Aunt Bee

Must be from man made global warming and racism.


Aug 07, 2010
inform yourself before you speak up
by: Anonymous

to "earth worshiper" Bolivia is a SOCIALIST country and the vast majority of people don't have air conditioners.

Aug 07, 2010
Stop Globull Warnings
by: Anonymous

Gee Al - where's the heat??
Oh, that's right, now its called "Climate Change".

Like this has never happened before?

Don't Tread On Me!

Aug 07, 2010
its your faulto
by: earth worshiper

Turn off your air-conditioners you capitalist pigs! Your screwing up the weather down there.

Aug 07, 2010
by: The Lion

Yes, 'the communitiy' will be restored, just not here, and, not yet.

Aug 07, 2010
Dead fish ...circle of life...
by: William Randolph Smith

Would someone pleae tell Al Gore to turn up the Heat in Bolivia.....they need national warming, please....

muchas gracias,
Don Guillermo in Atlanta 35 degrees C today.

Aug 07, 2010
Last winter it was sunny Florida in the COLD
by: Cape Canaveral, FL

Florida sends its condolences and wishes the people of Bolivia the best. We had many creatures die from the 2010 worst cold on Florida record. Many fish, sea turtles, manatees, lizards and snakes died. Many bad snaked died also and they will not be missed. Tony W.

Aug 07, 2010
Dead fish in Bolivia
by: BoliviaBella

I'm finding it very interesting to read some of the comments that people are adding to this forum.


The "alligators" dead in Bolivia's rivers are what would be called "caiman" in English.

The Spanish translation for "alligator" is "caimán" (although some people call alligators "lagarto" which actually means lizard.) The Spanish translation for caiman is also caimán. Good thing we can rely on scientific names to know the difference.


TheSitRep (below) is incorrect. There are FOUR species of freshwater dolphin in the world and the freshwater rivers in which this tragedy has occured in Bolivia are very much inland (over 1000-1200 miles from the coast of Brazil).

All these rivers are tributaries of the Amazon River which is so voluminous and powerful you can scoop fresh water from the ocean 100 miles out to sea.

The volume of water in the Amazon river is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined - and three times the flow of ALL RIVERS in the United States.

Aug 07, 2010
Earth's Axis
by: Anonymous

The Earth's axis is moving. Could be a nasty event past a point. There is NO evidence of man made global warming, but there is evidence of climate change due to outside factors such as the Sun and the Earths axis.

Aug 07, 2010
caiman vs. alligator
by: Anonymous

If you look in dictionaries you'll see the translation of caimán is caiman AND alligator.


Aug 07, 2010
by: UyeahU

This article shows not only the tragedy of the dead wildlife, but the ignorance of the reporters. There are only two species of Alligator, one in the southeastern U.S. and a much rarer and smaller one in parts of China. The animals in question are either Caiman or Crocodiles, unless Alligators have naturalized as an escaped exotic animal. If the cold is not too severe the younger fish and other wildlife may survive in the muddy river bottom, provided the fish kill doesn't exhaust most of the oxygen in the river causing more death. Oh, and how the Jews get blamed for any of this (as stated in one on the comments) is beyond any rational thinking person and shows anti-Semitism at its lowest.

Aug 07, 2010
Climate Change no doubt
by: Anonymous

Too cold - must be climate change.
Too hot - must be climate change.
Just right - must be climate change.
Trillions of our tax dollars going to the UN will no doubt cure this scourge of climate change.

Aug 07, 2010
Dingbat alert...
by: Anonymous

I love the conspiracy posts about something causing the kill other than the cold. If the article had said that chemical dumping had killed the animals instead of record heat...the dingbats would be an uproar that GW wasn't getting the credit. Facts need only fit the liberal template...nothing else will do. Go dingbats!!

Aug 07, 2010
by: Anonymous

But, but, but, .... Al gore, obama and the UN want to pour TRILLIONS of dollars into making the Earth COLDER still. I guess they just don't like seafood?

Aug 07, 2010
at larry G
by: Anonymous

you're an idiot

Aug 07, 2010
Climate Change
by: Anonymous

Blame Bush.

Aug 07, 2010
MOther Earth
by: Anonymous

More evidence global warming is a scam cult, and that we have no idea how the planet or earth works. The arrogance and greed of Al Gore and scientists is all so they can steal money. They are all criminals.

Aug 07, 2010
Google: weather manipulation
by: Anonymous

Google: weather manipulation

Aug 07, 2010
I know who did this!!!
by: Anonymous

Al Gore and the ecoterrorists were seen in Bolivia chasing a masseuse. Bill Clinton is on the way.

Aug 07, 2010
by: hillcoguy

Al Gore! Where are ye when we need ye!
Oh the humanity!!

Aug 07, 2010
dead fish
by: Anonymous

To Incitatus: You want to sound like a bible scholar qouting bibles verses, but you are very ignorant, when you think that Jesus was refering to all Jewis people. He was Jew,David, Moses, Paul,Peter etc etc.He said that to unbelievers Jews.Read the book of Ezequiel,Isaiah, Revelation and you'll find out that Israel is God's people and they will be restored.Pray that God gives you understanding of His word because looks like, you do not understand what you read.

Aug 07, 2010
Fish & Water Temps
by: Anonymous

Many fish can only tolerate water within certain ranges of temperature. It's why they sell aquarium heaters for tropical fish. Fish that live in water that is always around 75 -80 degrees die rapidly when the temp drops to 40 or 50 degrees.

Aug 07, 2010
Global warming
by: Anonymous

The UN only wants 100Bil more to stop all this warming going on

Aug 07, 2010
nature balances life on /Earth
by: Larry G

This is a result of nature balancing life on Earth. Remember the ice age, wiped out billions of creatures and left us in balance for today. If ever life form were allowed to just multiply unchecked the world would be overun with unwanted creatures all fighting for food leaving humans to flee for cover. Nature has a balancing act, we don't always get it but it all works out in the long haul, long after we are dead. History starts for most when they are born, however it is ancient and there are global cycles that play out over centuries, climate being one such cycle. During the middle ages the Earrth had a mean temperature at least eight degress warmer than now. They were growing grapes in Greenland, which had no ice then hence the name Greenland. The oceans did not rise then and they won't now.

Aug 07, 2010
by: Incitatus

by: frost@nabuma.com
?This fish die out is proof the Jewish God is angry with Bolivia and its President.?

?El Dios Judio esta molesto con Bolivia y su presidente.?

Jews are not only blood-sucking diabolical anti-Christ creatures, they are also accomplished propagandist buffoons. They?re heretics who don?t know a Bible from a bib. They read and follow and revere the Talmud, a Babylonian pagan book. But they are always ready to quote Scripture to advance their genocidal agenda.

The Lord Jesus told them: ?You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.?John 8:44 They are the synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:8-10


Los judíos no son sólo criaturas chupa sangre diabólicas anti-Cristo, también son bufones propagandista consumados. Son herejes que no diferencian una Biblia de un babero. Leen, siguen y veneran el Talmud, un libro pagano babilónico. Pero ellos están siempre dispuestos a citar las Escrituras en cualquier momento para avanzar su agenda genocida.

El Señor Jesús les dijo: "Vosotros sois de vuestro padre el diablo, y los deseos de vuestro padre queréis hacer." Juan 8:44 Son la sinagoga de Satanás. Revelation 2:8-10

Aug 07, 2010
No temperature fish can't tolerate?
by: Wayne

Anonymous? No temperature thast fish cannot tolerate? Try putting your tropical fish into cold water. There is a reason that tropical fish don't live in Alaska.

Aug 07, 2010

by: frost@nabuma.com
?This fish die out is proof the Jewish God is angry with Bolivia and its President.?

?El Dios Judio esta molesto con Bolivia y su presidente.?

Jews are not only blood-sucking diabolical anti-Christ creatures, they are also accomplished propagandist buffoons. They?re heretics who don?t know a Bible from a bib. They read and follow and revere the Talmud, a Babylonian pagan book. But they are always ready to quote Scripture to advance their genocidal agenda.

The Lord Jesus told them: ?You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.?John 8:44 They are the synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:8-10


Los judíos no son sólo criaturas chupa sangre diabólicas anti-Cristo, también son bufones propagandista consumados. Son herejes que no diferencian una Biblia de un babero. Leen, siguen y veneran el Talmud, un libro pagano babilónico. Pero ellos están siempre dispuestos a citar las Escrituras en cualquier momento para avanzar su agenda genocida.

El Señor Jesús les dijo: "Vosotros sois de vuestro padre el diablo, y los deseos de vuestro padre queréis hacer." Juan 8:44 Son la sinagoga de Satanás. Revelation 2:8-10

Aug 07, 2010
by: slwlion

I'd rather loose 1000 Yankees here in Florida, than ANY Gators !!

Aug 07, 2010
alligators in south america
by: Anonymous

I have always been under the impression that alligators were native to only north america

Aug 07, 2010
Big Lie
by: Daniel

No way the cold killed all this Fish. Some toxic chemicals dropped into the river is the cause of this disaster.

Aug 07, 2010
I smell BS
by: orbitfilmwerkz

After thinking about his for a bit, i dont see how any of the river life would have died, Turtles are very weather tough. Gators are as well, If a river or pond or lake freezes, Fish still survive. As far as i can tell the water never got that cold. It seems like a cover up for something else.

Aug 07, 2010
by: TheSitRep

I thought the only true inland fresh water dolphins or porpoises were in China. I know that some ocean going versions swim up fresh water rivers but they are not true fresh water dwellers.

Aug 07, 2010
by: frost@nabuma.com

You must tell the Bolivian President to immediately quit attacking Israel and cooperating with enemies of Israel.
This fish die out is proof the Jewish God is angry with Bolivia and its President.

Peru learned its lesson and now that is friendly and buying from Israel prosperity has returned to Peru. All is well.
In the Bible there are 3 passages that say:
"Those who curse my people shall remain cursed, Those who bless Israel shall be Blessed".
El Dios Judio esta molesto con Bolivia y su presidente.
El Presidente esta constantemente atacando a Israel y la maldicion judia le ha caido a Bolivia.
Diganle que deje de atacar a Israel o el Dios Judio destruira Bolivia entera.

Aug 07, 2010
Sounds like cold-blooded LIE
by: Anonymous

There is no minimum temp that fish can't tolerate..even when rivers freeze over.
It's more likely something they dumped in the water there.

Aug 07, 2010
Florida Gators
by: Bagheera

Now, if we can just get some of that to Florida. 1000 aligators would be a good start.

Aug 07, 2010
Sure, it's part of the Ice Age
by: Anonymous

For daily updates on the coming Ice Age that you won't see in the mainstream media, visit http://www.IceAgeNow.com.

Read Robert Felix' brilliant book "Not by fire, but by ice" to understand all the weird weather we are getting.

Aug 07, 2010
I wonder
by: member of the wedding

It would take prolonged cold to change the temperature of the river water that much. I suspect there is more to this story.

Aug 07, 2010
Louisiana has a pink dolphin
by: Anonymous

Louisiana has a pink dolphin :)


Aug 07, 2010
Fresh water dolphins - Pink river dolphins
by: BoliviaBella

Frank Lee, yes, there are fresh water dolphins in several places in the world including Bolivia, Peru and Colombia. Bolivia is home to a unique species of endangered pink river dolphin called the Inia geoffrensis. You can read about Bolivia's pink river dolphins here. Not only are they cute, they're ours and you can't have them.


Aug 06, 2010
Fresh-water dolphins?
by: Frank Lee

I didn't know there was such a thing as fresh-water dolphins. Why don't we import them to the States? They sound cute.

Aug 06, 2010
It's Bush's fault!
by: B.H. Obama

Only because of the previous administration's reckless handling of the situation in Bolivia, could this disaster not be avoided.

It is therefore Bush's fault. (It's also Bush's fault that LeBron left Cleveland!)

Aug 06, 2010
by: Anonymous2

nova era glacial?

new ice age?

¿nueva época glacial?

Aug 03, 2010
extreme cold killed over 1 million fish
by: Anonymous

Bolivia's tropical fish can tolerate water as cold as about 12-13 degrees Celcius before they begin to suffer from hypothermia. This isn't to say they'd be comfortable. At these temperatures their systems would slowly begin to go into shock. The waters dropped to somewhere between 7 and 9 degrees.

Jul 31, 2010
dead fish
by: Anonymous

Perhaps this disaster is caused by the chimcalas they dumpr in the rivers from producing their drugs!

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