It's December It's 100 º outside and Christmas is coming!

This month’s newsletter is all about Christmas! Well, almost. I’ll be celebrating my birthday first! And this year I’m giving my birthday away – again! Visit my birthday page to see why and how I’m doing this! You can “give” me a special free birthday present by helping me give it away! Read more here...

Tell us about your holiday traditions and we'll tell you ours!
Tons of people from all over the world are looking for information on Christmas traditions in Bolivia. has had a huge increase in visitors this month because of the holidays. I thought it would be fun for all of us to share our favorite Christmas traditions or customs so I’ve set up a special page where you can write about what you do during the holidays wherever you live. Please share!
If you don’t feel like sharing and you just want to know how we spend Christmas in Bolivia, here’s a page on some of our traditions and customs – and how they’re changing and evolving as large communities of foreigners who live here have an influence on our local customs. Click on the image to read more...
My Favorite Christmas Cookies!
My food and recipe sections are the most visited all year round! This year I’m sharing my favorite Christmas cookie recipe – Aachener Printen. My mom is from Aachen, Germany so Christmases at my house always had a touch of German flair. Click on the photo of this storefront in Aachen to read about Christmas at my home and share your own favorite Christmas cookie recipe on this page...

Visit my Earth-Gentle Christmas Shop
If you read my last newsletter, you already know that I’m on a mission this year to encourage everyone to have a happy, healthy, socially/economically responsible Christmas this year. I’ve set up a special “Christmas Shop” with links to tons of places where you can shop for unique Christmas gifts that also are kind to our Earth. Visit my Earth-Gentle Christmas Shop here...

Another Earth Gentle Christmas Gift Option:
I get a lot of messages asking me HOW I design my site. After 18 months online and much to be thankful for, I finally decided to share about this. I think everyone has the potential to own their future. Designing has given me SO MUCH satisfaction that I want everyone who is even remotely interested working freelance, starting their own business, or living freely to know not only how I design my site, but also why I design BoliviaBella and I also went a little further, for those who’ve asked me for the name of my website developer (ha! that’s me!) and I included a full detailed page on how I design my site and why I totally encourage anyone else who is considering it to do NOT pay someone else, but to do it themselves! So aside from the technical aspects I included on this page, please read why I think if you are one of those people who are considering this, that this year for Christmas you should give yourself and your family a future!
Christmas Sale at Bella Store!
If you love Bolivia, don’t live here and miss us, or know someone else who loves this country, visit Bella Store for tons of great, unique Bolivia-inspired gifts. Bella Store is my gift shop so you can order by credit card, online ordering is completely secure, all products are shipped from the U.S.A. to destination, and everything is backed by a great return policy! Order by December 10th for economy shipping and delivery by December 24th. Order by December 15th for standard shipping and delivery by December 24th. You’ll find these unique Bolivia ornaments at Bella Store. Click on them to enter . . .

My Favorite Christmas Present Idea! will plant a tree in any state or province - even in countries that participate internationally - just click here to see their page! It's a great idea for people who are difficult to shop for, people who are far away, and people who care about our Earth... Treegivers has planted hundreds of thousands of young trees on public lands in all 50 states of the United States and in the International Tree Planting countries as part of their reforestation programs. I live in the Amazon region. I see the destruction and damage! It matters!
I've Got a New Website and a New Store
I launched my new website Unique Gift Basket on November 4th. It has shot up through the rankings! Now you can
buy gift baskets
on my new site. There are over 500 to choose from for all occasions. Great kosher, sugar-free, gluten-free and organic choices too! I did all the research and categorized them in advance. Have a healthy holiday!
Help Bella Raise Funds for
(Association of Washingtonians for Needy Bolivian Children) is a non-profit organization established by my aunt Margarita Hassenteufel and a group of Bolivian women who live in the Washington D.C. area. They raise funds every year to donate hospital equipment, clothing, and many other types of items to children's charities and children's hospitals in Bolivia. I just had to be a part of this somehow so I pledged to donate 20% of ALL sales made at Bella Store to Wanides. Visit their website for info. Check out all my Bolivia designs at Bella store here:

Get into the Christmas Spirit!
Get into the Christmas Spirit with these great holiday music albums. You can order them as CDs or download individual songs or entire albums in MP3 format.
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Welcome to all our new subscribers!
We had a lot of new BELLA NEWS subscribers this month - welcome to the BoliviaBella online community. For those of you who don't yet know, "Bella" is actually an American living in Bolivia. She works as a professional translator and interpreter and also spends countless hours designing this site just for you! Find out
who is Bella really??

As you can see, we've been very busy working super hard to grow and improve and make it the number one English site on Bolivia. Parts of the site are also being translated into Spanish due to the large number of visitors we have from Spanish-speaking countries. We're always looking to improve - this site is FOR YOU so be sure to let us know what you want to see included on - we're not on our way to NUMERO UNO for nothing - we're working very hard to get there!! Please direct your comments to webmaster "Bella".
Tell Bella what you want!

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